THE WORST ROADS or How to Destroy Your CAR – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation (Car Crashes & Road Rage) – https://goo.gl/SjS8bs
CRAZY ROAD RAGE || ROAD FIGHT – https://goo.gl/Q3RvpW
INSTANT KARMA, INSTANT JUSTICE (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/b9LjvX
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
Random acts of kindness || Humanity restored! – https://goo.gl/DyG3wW
USA ROAD RAGE & CAR CRASHES – https://goo.gl/NnJE3K
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These must all be in Detroit. Even the Russian ones.
ustedes no han estado en la mismisa luna en la tierra llamada las calles de panama
5:40 you never seen worst ?
2:18 You can see that everywhere in Medan, Indonesia ?
come see saudi arabia
It's nothing come to NE states
If the pot holes are that bad get a bucket and some driveway stone and fill them in lazy people the government shouldn't have to everything for you I mean it takes under a minute to dump a bucket of stone in a pot hole and it makes them allot less abrupt and harsh on everyone's vehicle..
Those noobs never seen the Brazilian roads
Wow it almost looks like all of the roads in Illinois
So no one will mention that solar Eclipse
This is what u call potholes ..come to india ..u will find potholes bigger dan buttholes ..
I challenge u to drive or ride in india ..
You would make great videos in Rio de Janeiro.
The speed limit is max speed when road conditions allow well everyone knows that roads are bad so just go like 20-25 kph
They should put Willets Point next to Citi Field on here that would wreck even the hardest SUV's at this speed.Google Map Willets Point Blvd. in Flushing Ny you will see what I mean.
in bulgaria this is normal xD
After seeing this, I really don't want a low car anymore
all these roads can be wiped out by Michigans roads
أحنا بل اعراق لدينا كثير
USA: "These potholes are horrible!"
Russia: lol
go to lithuania. even suv is useless
How is this possible in Usa?
Why are these people caring so little to avoid those potholes?
If people would drive their vehicles instead of holding the and push the pedals they would avoid hitting the holes. Its your damn fault you hit it pay attention and don't follow to close this wouldn't happen!
United States, I thought your country is so rich and prosperous and you think you are #1 in the world , yet you can't fix your roads?…..USA pathetic
Just go to hungary xD
That Nebraska lady needs to take a trip to michigan
4:53 what the heck is in the sky? A solar or lunar eclipse?
4:54 what the f was that black thing in the sky?
Nothing as compared to our indian roads.. we are used to it…
عندهم حفريات
i would travel full speed on most of these roads. with large tires you float over most small to medium pot holes. what the suspension is for
se parece a mi ciudad.
where's india??
America is so broke
I bought my current car cheap after the previous owner in the north east of England drove over a pothole so deep it dented the front wheel, took out both offside tyres and set the driver's air bag off!
That's nothing. Come in Romania boys
It's almost like if the roads in the US and elsewhere had been strafed with gun fire, unguided rockets and bombs from A-10's, predator drones or something.
A lot of countries are running out of money… They won't tell you they are, but, you can see the yearly reports yourself and see it. The cup is empty, and the bowl is empty, what's left is what's sitting on the plate…
Looks like the roads around here in NW NJ right now. Trying avoid those potholes around here is like trying to play Twister with your car.
Ack… this whole video sounded expensive. Xx
is it a wrong road? – just visit Hungary!
Basically every road in Germany
Haha try mexico
1:28 sounds like the start of windows xp
America – Land of pot holes.
That last clip wasn't of a road with potholes, It was potholes pretending to be a road!
Polne drogi są już lepsze
1:25 is a lawsuit in my world.