A younger Komodo dragon challenges the “Head Honcho” to a fight.
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About Animal Fight Night:
Animal Fight Night features same-species battles between some of the biggest and baddest fighters of the animal kingdom, and some of the most surprising, revealing the extraordinary motivations and strategies that fuel each incredible brawl.
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Komodo Knockout | Animal Fight Night
Nat Geo Wild
Mike Pompeo is a komodo!
Godzilla: play nice kids..
what if a komody family released in amazon? would they repopulate and dominate the amazon?
These are the ultimate fricking carnivores and any resemblance to the UFC is completely coincidental.
Only one word for this show.. BADASSERY!! These animals really have some xtreme fights going on. And this show really shows it all. Very intense. Dramatic. Sheer power and dominance. From the biggest animal to the tiniest. BRILLIANT SHOW!!
Reptile wins… flawless victory.
That skin is thick
Joe rogan need to see this series
I thought I was watching wwe
The real Jurassic Park fight. It's rare to see every adult animal fight for female or territorial struggle killing each other or getting killed.
A normal day in the Jurassic ?
Now thats a dragon
It be nightmare to be dropped off at komodo island I'd go if I few machine guns tho
Why do Komodo dragons just do not cut Downs
Welcome to the bottom of the food chain.
There's no guarantee that another challenger won't usurp the head honcho's place.
If animals could talk, wonder what they would say to each other during a fight
He bites his own species a crazy MF
Ultra fantastic
What happend to Godzilla 69
If I had to name these animals,
I'd have called them land crocodiles.
They aren't equipped to glide through water with the track of scales down the back and tail, but they've got venom as a defense instead.
Its a land crocodile
The Jiu Jitsu masters should see this
This MOFO BADD 2 da bone! This muthafuka can eat n swallow 10 honey badger n a day! YIKES!!!
disgusting giant lizard LOL
You dont wanna fall in pit of Komodo dragons