Some of the neighborhoods here in Los Angeles are pretty rough and only thanks to your support we can save their lives. #TonyRobbins offered to match your donations, so please please please help us reach the goal… we are 67% there: https://www.HopeForPaws.org/TonyRobbins
Special thanks to our rescue partners at L.A Animal Rescue for finding Lady such a perfect home! If you live in Southern California and you’re looking to adopt a new family member, please check them out and all the cuties they have for adoption: https://www.laanimalrescue.org
Thank you so much for sharing our rescue videos, for liking the videos and for subscribing – you are really helping us more than you know. #HopeForPaws
Thank you #Marshmello for inviting Lady over. If you missed Mello’s song on our video, here is the link for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMEJrUh-O80
Oh how wonderful it must have felt to have laid there for 24 hours and then feel loving hands touch and help her. Oh that precious face at 2:35. WONDERFUL! She was beautiful even when she was matted and dirty. What a gorgeous little girl once healed and groomed. I LOVE that flying leap she made (in slo-mo). Thank you so very much. This is a definite share! <3
Beautiful girl, both inside and out ?
3:38 I have that shirt
I'm so happy for her☺️☺️☺️
How old do you have to be to volunteer
Some people treat their luggage. Better than they treat living animals. I would say that they should be ashamed of themselves. But most of them have no shame. Their lives must be so sad and pathedic.
I think he starting to run out of names 🙁
She is so cute and she is always happy ?
I love this names I got a dog a year ago and I named her lady it’s a beautiful name ??
sou do brasil apesar de não entender quase nada do que vcs dizemeu entendo a lingua dos animais quando sofrem qdo estáo feizes e quando estão tristes,beijos eu amo os animais de paixão e amo voces LOrena pelo que fazem. Obrigada quando puder mandar um dog para o rasil eu fico com ele beijos tiau
You guys are the best. God bless you!
What kind of a person could ever thumbs down a rescue video of an abused or neglected animal?
Thank you for making such a sad thing so much better, Eldad. You are so amazing! I’m so glad she’s safe and well now! ??
Vocês são pessoas maravilhosas ??????????
What an awesome recovery! You guys rock! ?
My idol Marshmello
Unfortunately lots of humans are evil and selfish and they won’t stop to help anyone or any animal , I hate that kinda people
She's gorgeous that you for being there for all the animals?
Fk that dog lil gay bows in her hair n shit
Eldad! You have the best smile.
May you be blessed in your sacred holy work.
at first i thought when you showed me the picture of lady i was like wait is that the same dog!!!!
Now that’s a glow up! take note ladies
What a transformation! She's a supermodel ready for the runway!
Whew, this one will gut ya…
Awww! I l9ve her! I want them ALL! Every time you do a rescue I want them! ❤?
Thanks it was too good all the best
dang lady meeting marshmallo is such a subtle flex u just snuck it in there
I was the person that called Hope for paws
thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! god bless you
I want all the dogs and puppies you save, they are adorable
god bless you!
aww it broke my heart seeing her so vulnerable and hurt, thank you for saving her
Lady is such a beautiful doggo
Omg so happy you saved her ❤️❤️Beatifull dog //ALSO I KNOW THIS IS SO IRRELEVENT BUT I KEEP GETTING THE RACHEL HUNTER UBER EATS AD AND ITS SO ANNOYING anyone else getting that ad
What's wrong with humans is that they're more concerned about themselves these days.. Thanks to Paws those lovely dogs can feel love from real human beings not the monsters the that deserted them!!
Thank you Lord, for having us this PAWS organization…..if it not because of this group…what will happen to this animals.
She's so happy ? to bad people leave her injured on the road
Oh, Deus, que lindinha!❤❤❤?
I just don't get the fact that why ur videos have dislikes?? One can definitely get that u guys r doing such "Long Haul" behind each animals.. even when it is successful or not.. I just don't get that are people not able to understand d content of ur videos or.. dey r neurologically abnormal.. that what you great guys doin is selfless help n showering kindness n love to dem.. running behind dem.. hurting urselves in meantime of ur missions.. I mean who does this?? Now look at this video n tell did anyone stop in past 24 hrs to take that pup to vet?? Not even anyone else in dat area. Yet I see dislikes on videos. Shame on d people doing this. Can't help a mute thing n showing even their character by hitting dislikes. Ugh. Ps.. I am Gobsmacked on ur each rescue mission n God please bless each one of you all for understanding mute's emotions n feelings..!! All d love to you guys.. Hats off to you..??
Greetings from the UK. You could see that she was hanging on for help, and the second she got on that blanket was like a scene from a war film medi vac. The sigh of relief from her, as she knows she's safe at last.
I absolutely adore the job that you guys do. If only others could give as much care and compassion towards these animals as you do. Hats off to you all. I applaud you. ???