Random acts of kindness || Pleasant Moments on dash cam. Grateful pedestrian compilation – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Ultimate Close Call Compilation 2016
Videos featured in the following compilation are intended for CRITISISM, EDUCATIONAL and JOURNALISTIC purposes.
Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
Приятного просмотра, будьте аккуратней на дороге!
Hmmm. I didn't realize obeying the law by stopping for pedestrians walking in a crosswalk was a random act of kindness….
I like the music
What a lot of bum chutney stoping at a pedestrian crossing is not an act of kindness its the law
It's all about being polite, I always say thanks to drivers for letting me walk over the street.
Same thing when I'm driving I wave to let them know I see them and to let them walk over the street.
When you are driving you have a huge responsibility, if you don't pay attention things are going to end badly, not only for yourself but for others as well, human lives are more important than your phone or getting to your destination in time.
It's not hard to show appreciation…wonderful to know people still show it 😉
is this video from japan ?
I always-ALWAYS thank drivers for stopping; it's a nice gesture. I also always give the international one finger salute to the many many UK drivers who ignore pedestrian crossings as a huge inconvenience and make me feel like an invisible person. Courtesy costs nothing and it works both ways; drivers are more likely to be considerate to pedestrians who don't act like twats. Thanks for the video- .made a pleasant change from 'idiot drivers…'
Where I live it's standard to thank the driver for stoping/slowing down at a crosswalk. Even tho you are obligated to stop.
It's amazing. Most Americans, at least when I'm driving, never truly seem to show gratitude when you do something like this. They just assume that it's a given right for them to have people stop. It's heartwarming to see the amount of gratitude that these men, women, and children alike show in this video.
всегда благодарю когда пропускают) ток в видео не попал(
i wonder..who could dislike this great video..
Manners and politeness cost nothing, I cannot understand why everybody do not use them.
1:40 поржал
Народ что за музыка? кто знает?
those kids at the last clip…… lol
This makes me so Happy! Thank you so much for uploading, because you just made my day! ??
"random acts of kindness"
Stopping in a zebra crossing so pedestrians can pass…
You do realize that the zebra crossing is not just a suggestion right? if people want to cross you stop. I know that in eastern european countries drivers see them just as funny paintings on the road with no meaning whatsoever (I lived in poland for a year) but by law you HAVE to stop. its not kindness, its following the law and common sense!
Моё уважение
kind acts are so hard to do for some people…btw I love this kind of videos !
Love to see things like that 🙂
Love this stuff!!!!
Nice change from all the assholes, but I don't see why it is such a big deal to let pedestrians cross. People in my country always do this when you let them pass, even when they walk over a pedestrian crossing.
1:34 ????
1:35, Sooo cute!!