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You are a very interesting man. Is it possible please for you to make safe arrangements and then to do a special street food tour to Pakistan and to feature the variety of wonderful breads available there. Their food is insanely good!! Youa rea very sincere man.
You've improved so much in your chinese bro, great job!
Glad all these vids aren’t entirely in Chinese like this one.
This is so cool!
new kind of videos? like them!!!
I've been teaching myself chinese for only 1 month and I could understand almost everything without reading the english subtitles
So this is where it all began, awesome
I can see there's a little tension when you're with the chinese lady
Great vid ?
Your Chinese is very fluent!
On YouTube there was a playlist for your travel videos. 56 to be exact. Within the first ten videos I subscribed based on the honesty of street food that was being had. By the 20th or 25th video I was gaging from your puerility and contemplated unsubscribing due to the offensive unapologetic "snot noodle" label; and wondered why pig brains weren't snot brains by your thinking. Yet by the 30th or 35th video I noticed a change in your behavior & presentation as well as music. The buoyant puerility and charismatic reactions were absent, you seem more restrained in the videos and venues you dined. All of the eateries are culinarily intriguing. Having guests dine with you helps to give us a break from your persona. Chou Chou is astute very quick, perceptive, foreshadows spontaneously and very informative giving background information to the culture, the way food is eaten and why some things just are. I shall peruse your videos from time to time and hope to see a developed presentation of a culture other than the "chopstick to mouth" opening. But I believe that is why some people are attracted to you. The entertainment.
You look so young!
food ranger it looks so much fun in China. i would love to visit. many people were fascinated with you writing Chinese calligraphy one lady behind you tried to take a picture.
That is a interesting ending. I like it haha
Wanna meet the guy in the spice market, he's cute
You should do this more on your videos, its awesome how fluent you sound (keep in mind i dont know the language, but as a constant viewer, it just looks awesome!)
pepper tasting ..I couldn't stop laughing at Trevor s reaction…that was gold…sorry trev
Being a Cantonese, I couldn't agree with you anymore that Sichuan cuisine is the best XD
that belt from Schezwan via Northwest China/Islamic China, India, Pakistan, Afghan to Iran is a food heaven
Miss everything there..
the way u eat is makes me so hungry.. I like ur videos.. ?
I am curious as to who was holding the camera
I'm disappointed you did not share the 'crepe' and 'bao'…and the crepe was cut in half!!! I know you were raised with manners and etiquette!!! All in all I enjoy watching your travels, dialogue, unbelievable varieties of food and learning the villages and all it's people….Keep up the good work…just 'share'..at least offer and if they decline…we'll at least know you were a gentleman!
eat too much ,,,,,LOL
Oh my god, his chinese is so funny that time. LOL
aw so cute your few first videos!
Did you take Mandarin at SFU or UBC? I want to apply and learn! Inspiring stuff James
Your reaction to the Sichuan peppercorn was priceless?? We all start from somewhere!! Watching your videos inspires me to get over my fear of spicy food, simply because… I don't wanna miss out on any more yummy foods!!
From watching this video, I gotta say your Chinese has improved a lot in these years. Haha
you improved your level of chinese
i love Sichuan food too – hmm i want to go there yihaaaa ???
your video is good! ???
OMG I cannot believe you eaten them all, how big your stomach is!
his chinese accent hear still rough, not like now …
Your Chinese is very inspiring for me as a learner. Sichuan is very high up on my where to go next list. Great video!
I said it before but I'll say it again, you have THE best job in the world. Love it. Love all your vids. Keep it up. Thank you for keeping us entertained.
from bilibili(๑˙ー˙๑)
your Chinese much improved. ?
I can see your Chinese improved a lot in these two years lol