GTA Online Best FAILS of the Week #1 (The Return)
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Monkeys Spinning Monkeys Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
I take shortcuts all the time when I play the game it's not that hard if you know how to do it
Number 7 he just doesn't know how to fly and land
video says best gta ONLINE fails… adds a fail from story mode… Dat Saintsfan
3:41 cowboy death
Doesn't he sound like Dakota?
Omg!!!! At 2:51 when he crashed the helicopter it fucking sounds like when Blackout transforms in Transformers The Game ? that’s sick?
0:54 that happens to me everyday
U yell too much
In the #1 clip
The other train came 3 miles too early
Wtf i just got wrecked by npcs in valkeries while i was in a fcking cuban selling sht im so done
Lol that dude became the helicopter
1:24 Peter griffin
The up n atomizer is a god send for jammed or stuck vehicles
I got my cargo vehicle wedged under that same area at the same warehouse! I find using the vigilante works wonders at getting wedged vehicles out of almost any bad spot.
Yes dude , you shouldn’t stop this series , your commentary is great lol and I got some videos I could send to you as well.
the entire video had 1 fail…. just 1…. the rest was just bad driving/running/walking… ;-;. gta fails arent even fails anymore… jeez
Glad this is back! One of these videos is actually how I found your channel, then I stuck around because you usually get news out before most others, and your commentary is enjoyable.
Also, a suggestion:
Switch your countdown numbers to a rockstar font if you can find one, I feel it would be more fitting.
Keep up the great vids!
at clip number 4 i did something similar, when i was delivering cocaine to my business the motor cycle the supplies and i were on got stuck between a wall and some wierd metal thin literally 2 ft away from my destination
Number 4 is dumb
1.5 Mill subs 17k views in 2 days lol
I forgot how annoying you get when you speak
3:18 this is epic
I've stuck the motorhome there to. just get another car and ram it.
I had a funny fail the other day, might see if I can submit it, if I can figure it out
I litterally saw 1 train following another train about a week ago while i believe there is usually just one train for the whole map
Not even the train can stop the train!
Would’ve been better if your annoying voice wasn’t commentating throughout the whole thing.
Please do the kills and wins. Ive submitted my clip
All you had to do was follow the damn Train! 5:37
really like it
3:42; I've seen that happen to me in SP.
You definitely have to keep making those videos. they're so funny!
God this was so fuckin boring
I like grass
The bikes :0