IDIOT Drivers – Epic Driving Fails Compilation 2018 #796

IDIOT Drivers - Epic Driving Fails Compilation 2018 #796
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IDIOT Drivers – Epic Driving Fails Compilation 2018 #796 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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The best collection of car video caught on Dash Cam from around the world. On this channel you will find a large selection of videos on various topics of car: idiot drivers, road rage, driving fails, close calls, instant karma, and many other collections. All pleasant viewing! Recent compilations every day!.

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About the Author: Admin


  1. Let’s not pay attention, let’s follow too close, let’s pull out in front of on going traffic or uturn illegally. What a bunch of idiots. Most could have been prevented.

  2. Driver: im gonna put others drivers lives in dangers. I dont care. Its not like there r laws and rules of the road that i gotta fallow or anything

  3. These are 100 percent drunk Canadians. 86 percent of canucks are addicted to sniffing paint thinner and lighter fluid. They are the worst drivers in the world. Even the gay prime minister is said to sniff gas at the weekend.

  4. Okay, the last clip was genuinely amusing. Poor drunken bastard. (P.S. If I knew that I could get away with it… well, you do the math.)?

  5. British clips: shock, horror, someone didn't indicate and almost crashed
    Chinese clips: shock, horror, people close in front might brake suddenly
    Russian clips: drives at 100 kph into a busy intersection with a belly full of vodka

  6. It seems like most of these could be avoided if the driver (of the car with the camera) was paying more attention. Many are rear-enders that involve the traffic ahead slowing down. That’s why it’s so important to give enough room between cars and to feel focused.
    I know sometimes you don’t have enough reaction time but if you are able to lay on the horn you can lay on the brakes as well.
    Also, will it kill you to let in a car ahead of you? If the other driver is that desperate then let him in. It will only make a second or so time difference and could avoid a costly and dangerous incident.

  7. I love the idiot in the car at 7:36. That bike rider is doing EXACTLY as they are supposed to. Bikes are required by law to follow ALL the rules of the road, INCLUDING what lanes to use to turn.

  8. What is congestion and road rage physical evidence of. too many vehicles on the road or too many people in the country?.

  9. 5:50. I don't know about the local laws where this was filmed, but in the UK some mobility scooters are allowed to be used on the road. Although local councils are required by law to install dropped kerbs at all junctions. I know of places where they don't or they still have a serious step to them causing non road-use scooters to be ridden on the road. Too many drivers don't realise that the only safe way to do it is by facing oncoming traffic much as a pedestrian should when walking down a road without a separate footpath.

  10. The furniture in the middle of the road was the best one!!!!!! 2:15 Jesus Christ Fuck !! FUCK !!! smashed into furniture 3 cars in front of him avoided hitting. YOU BIG DUMMY

  11. You should never swerve to avoid an idiot because you rarely check your mirror first and you could collide with some one else. So instead of swerving hit them and make them pay they're the ones in the wrong and they never learn if you don't make them pay for their arrogance.

  12. 6:20 appears staged.
    8:00: from this and from his other videos, this guy seems to be good at criticizing people for doing things that he doesn't understand or know anything about.

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