Now, this is downhill mountain biking at it’s finest! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the best mountain bike speed runs from the People Are Awesome Community! These gopro POV videos put you right in the action to experience the thrill of extreme downhill MTB with some of the best riders in the world. Where’s the best place you’ve ever been mountain biking? Tell us all about it in the comments below!
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id be dead
POV Downhill > POV Porn
Clip at 5:04 was sped up
Wao son unos verdaderos chingones con solo verlos me da miedo.
Os cara faz isso da air com a bike em tempo de quebrar kkkkk e eu querendo so uma so pra charla so pra mandar uns grau kkkkk
Mountain bikers:
Me:falls over while getting bike out of the garage
Why do people put electro techno shit with dh riding , I know I don't listen to that sort of shit when I ride
Anybody else find this satisfying?
Jimmy: smoking weed
Greig: jimmy!!!!!….your dads coming
Jimmy: ohhh shit!!!! 4:20
That clip in hand full of cash was sick
Aller Remi aller aller !!!!! 6:59
1000 + 1 ways to die
Name music 15:30 ???
Guy at 9:00 : path. nah.
1:00 to 1:20 , i thought that i was watching Superman fly with a GoPro 😀
That British dude at the bike park was shredding a trail bike ?
May I remind you that everything is 5x as steep in real life than on camera because of the gopro camera lens
Amazing, man….
3:55 and 5:34 is urban freeride u asshole ??
“I’ve loved you ever since we shared the same air”
This is disappointingly shit, but eh, I expected as much from classic edm trash
@ 4:17. Absolute sickness
This music ruins it
Which bicycle are you using
Awesome. Favourite is from 4.20 – 5.30. So good!!!
Wow amazing skill bro
I love watching urban downhill clips. they're fucking unreal. credit to the riders and organisers. well done.
6:50 congratulations you have escaped death!!
lol mol rol
I really wanna get into doing mountain biking, does anyone have tips or suggestions on what i should get? As a beginner or anything? 🙂
Music sucks
586 people that can't ride a bike disliked this video
When your girlfriend is home alone
5:30 i can barely walk my mountain bike down stairs like that
It was cool until the subject of an unelected, hereditary monarch narrated his own ride.
More balls in this vid than a… nvm
These guys are insane!!!
Nice video. It would be much better without the music.
this would be fun
Why did I wanna become a mechanic.
This looks way more fun!!