From dogs duking it out with crabs to goats butting heads with bulls to battle royals between rabbits and chickens, Funny Pet Videos presents an epic compilation montage of the greatest animal and pet fights caught on tape!
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Welcome to Funny Pet Videos, a channel dedicated to cute, fluffy cats and curious, rambunctious dogs. We are here to fill your life with more furry and funny things the adorable friends in our lives do. Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday we’ll have a new compilation of the funniest home videos of cats, dogs, birds and all kids of animals being equally hilarious and adorable. Be sure the Subscribe to our channel to never miss one! So sit back, relax and have a laugh on us.
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The video at 2:40 was filmed the day after 9:11
2:08 bullied over haircut
1:10 easter is going to be late
That pelican thing was a mating dance
The cat in the first video pulled out some E Honda, Street Fighter II shite right there!
not funny
Fucking asshole training the puppies to fight
7:47, Dogs on Hardwood. Classic. 8:03, Poor dog catches some left-hooks from hell! Listen to 'em POP. 8:06, I get the feelin' Ryder is the pussy in this scenario.
the behaviour of crazy and agressive animals tells us a lot about the humans they have to deal with.
Most of these weren't even fights, they were playing.
Not one cat vs goat. Every other practical combination (except cat vs goldfish and dog vs hamster)
Animals are wonderfull ?
I came for the goats but i guess this cute too
8:55 Rider like a surfboard
It just boils my blood seeing de clawed cats, talking about animal cruelty. If the cat had claws one good slap to the dog would be the end of that (every clip you hear laughing because the cat is unable to defend it's self) Could you imagine someone kidnapping you and pulling your nails out. I can't imagine the pain they go through especially potty time when they dig. Any vet that performs the procedure should have their license taken away.
Play-fighting between relatively-equal opponents: Funny
Underdog pwns favorite to win: More funny
Favorite to win harasses underdog, who can't fight back: Not funny
8:20 Favorite hurts underdog, while human films & laughs: What is wrong with you?
osa qef eshte me i pa si rahen si puna e njerzve me mica e qen kenaqesh kurse njerzit jane be si kafsh te vrasin pa pik meshire
Don't you hate fake laughs?
I didn’t like it because it was just animals fighting ☹️
Please don't encourage fighting…
8:28 natural born killer!
YEAH 2 cats fighting between a window is EPIC
That jerk[ sorry Jesus for sayin that] but why does he even own a dog, SHAME ON YOU MATE< AND THE PHOTO MAN < DISGUIST MI shore hope u aint got NO KIDS!!!!!!
…goat vs….buffallo!…..goat wins crazy price!…..:):):)
….then what's with those squirls ????….a lot of seeds were spread there…..:):):)
…why rabbits like to jump over their "oponent" repeatedly ???….
…and those cats were scratching that glass window so hard….as if it wasn't really there….
…in the end….the cat attacking throw the door animal opening prooved smarter….:):):)
Those Dobermans….hahahahaha
When family makes you sad, watch animal videos to laugh and snap out of it!
1:23 my gosh those birds nearly ripped each other apart!
We need to ban cats.. They are such assholes of animals.
0:35 Frog Splash from the cage
That guy with the puppies is a piece of shit! This is all animal cruelty!!!
That kitten with the bunny has real killer instincts
the one wih the turkeys fighting was filmed on the day after 9/11