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Near death experiences and close calls captured by gopro
All this experiences are caught on action camera, people are safe and sound.
Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music released by Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE
Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8
jakwob – fade (sane beats remix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy3N4jFk-yo
Tweets by jakwob
New video is here! :). I hope you will enjoy!
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5:15 Sweedish porn noises of an orgy where a man nearly escaped an anal creampie!
1:58 Analogue version of heated seats!
Indian snake, Russian bear is very miserable
bikes aren't made for idiots cause they all end up the same way dead there's times you can get risky for the adrenaline rush but lane splitting is a moron move you looked real cool until you looked like a fool idiots
Helicopters seem so easy to crash why?
Lol who else thought the thumbnail was a full body tattooed guy in spedos???
Intro music plz
lane splitting, ppl fail to realize its only legal to be doing something like 5-10 faster than the traffic, not double like these two douches. 02:25 guaranteed that asshole got up and blamed the car for changing lanes
Best channel for these compilations uwu ❤️
You can't open the door of any vehicle after it has rolled. Worth remembering.
What is the song in the intro?
Saw this same video on fail force one 2 days ago, Not sure who is copying who but not cool
С вертолётом полная жесть;/
Plagiat https://youtu.be/8bII9KnpG08 ?
I love your near death vids but most of the clips in this video are in videos you’ve already posted
I never want to experience any of them.. ??
Ахуеть с медведем …
dumbass mortorcyclist
Eu falo português e assisto vcs
2,55 блин злое видио, и деревьев нет! Хотя многие медведи, берлоги на деревьях делают.
2:32 what a dummy..Lane Splitting here in Arizona is Illegal & i hope it stay's "LEGAL".
Ima run up and kick that bear right in the coochie and run if it was me..
Hey bear? Got damnit white folks.
Other helicopter pilots: Notice he insists on inching forward while trying to land, instead of hovering steadily on uneven terrain – that's called "gambling."
I can't believe how long it takes them people to get off the helicopter after the crash. Some people are idiots. Oh let's all stay inside the helicopter and wait for it to explode.
That dude and the bear? "They wouldn't let me bring my bear mace on the plane. Go away bear!"
If teacher going to give test but he just forget that's a close call for students
First again! great clips! Never seen any of them before! Thanks!
Check out the woman low key pushing another woman out of her way before being pushed out of the way by a dude being crushed. #CHAOS
Sunday Saludos De Pico Rivera California ?