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These awesome people have some weird talents and odd skills! From the strange to the weird to the bizarre the people are amazing but a little bit weird! Normal is overrated, weird is awesome! These funny videos are impressive and sometimes hilarious. Everything from flexible contortionists to yoga ball tricks to underwater rubix cube – these people have got talent! Are these strange skills awesome or useless talents? Thanks to all the amazing people who submitted videos for this compilation! Thanks for watching People are Awesome!
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Lubisaga tenggelamselama1jam
Anyone else just waiting for this to load, scrolling through the comments, and becoming terrified?
0:54 كيف يتحكم بالكورات?
Cyclist arr alwsys awesome, ,,
как я люблю тебя
Interviewer: So what do you do for a living?
Everyone in this video: Uhhh, it's hard to explain
How did The balls come back to him
3:00 to 3:06
WOW ☺?????
1:38 how is this a talent ?!?
2:29 I even can't bowl without a hoola hoop
Is it wierd that I can fit in a small suit case?
I’m really flexible
How do they find out they can do this stuff?
7:03 oh my God
That guy underwater is not a human being, it's a disguised fish
don't mean to be rude but I dont Thank that's oveisle not awesome that is so stupid You?my uncle talks talk's trash I seen that braw her pants fell a little bit?? please kiss for your Subscribers become boyfriend and girlfriend get Merryde and don't have sex
People: Do you have a special talent?
Me: I can wiggle my ears and I’m double jointed at my knees and elbows!
Que falsedad
Там где дядя с красными шариками это Фотошоп
Sub to theo king flip sesh 4
Sub to theo king flip sesh 4
My talent is flower tongue ?
5:23 I can do that too??
8:41 – 10:02 oddio non ci credo???