There are 8 puppies in the forest garden. We did not find their mother. We take him home, and give it a new mother.
Please share videos, for this great love.
There are 8 puppies in the forest garden. We did not find their mother. We take him home, and give it a new mother.
Please share videos, for this great love.
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Fake fake fake!!! I Will report you! Stop abusing these poor animals!!!
Gracias son Maravillosos ????
Great job…..?????
Ай бедные??
que fofos da pra mimmmmmm
Lindos os filhotes prbns
lout ka bache ha kya
Cooooooook tatlı???????????????????????????????????????????????☺☺
You can give me a puppy I will keep it in my dog kennel
Not mother loss
Какие милашки????????❤❤❤❤????????
Vcs que colocaram os bichinhos no meio do Mato
Cún iu de thưog
Too rosy!
łe łe łe łe
Que bonito video me base llorar
Quedo deles????????
ربي يرحمو
Nhìn mấy đứa cưng gì đâu á.
Qué banoto
I want dog pleare send me your nember
I Love dog
look's like a drama. I'am appreciating for your care to the puppies, but in the begining of video, i think you already know where the puppies are, somehow, you cover it up with the branch and pretending to find them. I don't know what is your pupose. But still, appreciating to your care for the puppies.
Yêu cún quá ước gì có 1con????????
Ma quando abbandonate un cane che cosa comprendete
이것도 연출이구만 구조해주는새끼 오기전에 사진찍는놈이 먼저 찍고있네
에라이 개자슥들아
Meu Deus q lindos?????