Best Fails of the Week: Bad Drivers #734 (February 2018 | CCTube – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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The best collection of car video caught on Dash Cam from around the world. On this channel you will find a large selection of videos on various topics of car: idiot drivers, road rage, driving fails, close calls, instant karma, and many other collections. All pleasant viewing! Recent compilations every day!.
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Featured Playlists car theme !!!
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/SjS8bs
CRAZY ROAD RAGE – https://goo.gl/Q3RvpW
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
Random acts of kindness || Humanity restored! – https://goo.gl/DyG3wW
USA ROAD RAGE – https://goo.gl/NnJE3K
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
What is song at 3:10????
apparently cars are free in Russia
Is there automobile insurance in Russia? And how expensive is it?
Paused the video at 1:45 to read the facial expression of the driver.
8:15 Another universal standardized word after F*CK?
What is the song at 3:10?
Cars don't lose traction and wipe out unless you drive too fast for road conditions. It takes experience to be able to determine when you are at adhesion limits, but not that much experience. Most people in North America figure it out pretty quickly, not so in Russia. It really looks like these guys are just in love with going too fast. " Hey look at me ,,,, I'm a road warrior ,,,,,, Oh no ,,,,,, Sooka Sooka ,,,,, belle yet ,,,,, nee hoo yaw ,,,,,, SMASH!!!!!!!
Anyone knows the name of the song 8:42 – 10:08? Thanks
в конце хач пидр конечно
3:03 Song?
Thumbs down must be the competition…how rude…grow up YouTubers…find additional sources of internet revenue!
Russia is a shithole.
Видео русские (большинство) а комменты забугорские
I hate the peoole that go to fast in the snow – u deserve the crash because u were driving like a fuckface
Wow, road rage at it's ultimate! defensive driving must not be an option, only turn signal usage, no side or rear mirror use. Thank God for USA driving regulations, if not we would be in the same conditions as Russia, every driver for themselves!!!
9:27 that´s a dick move right there
If you ever want to see your insurance rates SKYROCKET, do what the impatient road scholar did starting at about 1:03. What an IMBECILE!!!
Just sayin that the taxi driver at the end was a little late with tne towel XD
Anyone know the song at 1:14 ?
8:20 is just over reaction
8:28 That driver's pretty good at dodgerock!
In the last clip, try as he might to hide his plates from the driver he assaulted, the cammer behind him already recorded them!
Cant build their city to accommodate traffic, so why are we worried about them hacking elections?
6:45 hahaha the man who stay on the roof!! xD
The final clip with the Taxi Driver pretty much sums up the Slav Nations (Russians)
Sly , and Fuckin not trustable ;(
So does every Russian have a camera in there car? Its a good idea to be honest. It elimInates any doubt.
I hope half these people never get their license back
I think its time the rest of the world took it to the Russians. We're already in the early days of The Second Cold War, we should act accordingly. Kick them off the the UN Security Council, isolate the fuck out of them. Wage a massive and unrelenting cyber attack aimed at top political figures, their money and where their money goes.
Hu yandex!!!
Buahahahahahahaha!! That last guy in the taxi covering his plate like it’s going to matter at that point! ? What an ass hole & an idiot!! I hope he looses his license & goes to jail.
3:40 You gotta be a real dumb butt to stay behind someone is constantly driving like a idiot
when i see this amount of comment about russians , i ask myself why people are so dumb , if 90% of russian have a dashcam and 10% of others country have dashcam , its logic to see almost only video from russian , it don't mean at all they are worst than others , please use your fucking brain if you have one before post a comment , and if it's too hard , don't comment.
Instead of having the title read Bad Drivers, just have it say Russia so I don't waste my time hearing voloooa
Half of these are cause by weather conditions. I'd like to see you attempt at taking control of a spin out on icy roads at 80-100kmh