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If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.
I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.
Thanks so much for one million! Get your shirts here and Be a BESTY! → https://www.bonfire.com/bestys/
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It's been a wild ride, but there's so much more to come!
im eating homemade pizza typing wd pinky finger. ive advise 4 parrot f. teller-quit while ur ahead.
Getting addicted to your video
You are truly best ever food review show
Keep it up, now you can show your earnings report which u showed as 115 last time?
This is the first time I've seen sonny cursing the food ???????
"Nice", You get to try cucumber, take the biggest bite ever, don't b shy now, you'll only stirr the locals, "That's Like The Fountain Of Youth"! It's an Afrodesiac, just like water melon, and raw oysters, and Rocky mountain oysters. Gets your junk up, meaning your, "Penis"! Feels like "Viagra", on a normal 2day fuck. Yet it lasts for 2 and half months.
Who else wants a T-shirt with a silhouette of Sonny's head with the bandana?
Who clicked so fast that he's going to eat cucumber knowing sonny hates it?
Hai sunny iam one of the fan off irfan…i see the video urr rocking good
She is very cute
Vegetable pis!!!! I've never laugh so much
did you really buy subscribers? Is that possible? You don't need to.
If you make it to the ellen show my Brother will shave his head and eyebrows
I love you sunny & i love Indian foods…???????????
You are not supposed to eat it like that? first take it's bitterness out then it taste way more refreshing
@best ever food review… I like the girl in your video.. If possible plz share her social profile to me.. I really wanna meet her… FYI i m not a tharki guy ?
Omg asif ive only just seen this! poor sonny its a cucumber lol
Wtf, you never thanked the bird.
She is so not translating what fortune teller is saying ..
you never tasted South Indian Dishes…
Come once…U won't forget it in Ur Life..
Yes! Finally a cucumber ?
Blows my mind you don't like cucumber.
Chutiya bana diya…lolz
Who is the gorgeous woman your with
"That's the biggest cucumber"- that's what she said
I found this video when the channel has already reached 2.2 M. Lol
Why do you hate cucumber
The most fun video of yours!
At 3: 31 that's nature's dildo… Bt why He's eating it… Should have given it to that girl beside him… She should have tried it out
Putting me off!
Desperate to eat bike! Yuk
Ellen!!! Yeahs ??
Are you a cat…? you're scared of cucumber
why does her bindi look like its CGI? looks like a moving speck on my screen??
You are awesome, your videos are the best. ….all the way from SA
Your translator friend is amazing, her translation on the answers of the bird guy blew my mind
I'm sure he enjoys lots of cucumbers off camera anyway.
Why do you hate cucumbers ?
Now it's 2M subscribers.
Sonny and your crew, I have to tell you. I've been subscribed for only about a month now and there hasn't been a day gone by that I don't watch you show at least a couple times a day. Thank you for what you do and keep it up! It really is The Best Ever Food Review Show.
Bro, you do eat cucumber one time on camera when a very adorable girl give it to you in Vietnam. :)) Don’t fool your besty bro :))
Alright let me find bestys t-shirt on Amazon or eBay,lol..
Great videos!!!! Love to Learn about all kinds of foods I never knew about.
I would really be traumatized by that cucumber?look at the size if it!??
What's wrong with cucumber