Amazing street performer videos. Talented street performers with talent and skill showing their best. People are awesome. People are amazing.
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Full videos in order of appearance:
Juggling Street Performer
Skating Street Performer in Berlin
Billy Jeans – A street performer imitating Michael Jackson in Nordstan
Let It Go – Main Street Piano with Jonny May
Vivaldi by Street Performer in Madrid
Incroyable danseur c’est un artiste avec du talent a regarder
Extraordinaria Mujer como artista en la calle a Milano
Human Statue (Street Performer in Manchester)
Amazing Street Performer climbs up a light pole!
times square street performers
What happened to the girl who could eat her own crutch?
Omg always Marquise Scott. So awesome
People are so easily entertained nowadays and from mostly crap acts.
hardly top ten. there were two good acts. the violin was great. the hoops girl was pretty good. the rest were quite lackluster.
1: 50 year old scateboarder.
2: Sexy girl with rings.
3: choked out violinist.
What a pair at the end…so much talent..im jealous
The hoola girl was awesome
The piano player was awesome….but had no soul or feeling
8:32 AUDI. Feel the Art
They all absolute brilliant talented people 🙂
3:43 this is what happens when you shred on a piano
Edit: No wonder it’s at Disney
WOW she can kiss her own ass
8.33 she needs to advertise Audi
I liked them all…in particular the dancer in the grey, he's unbelievable!
11:40 What Mount Your Friends was meant to be…
nice moon walk Michael
Can't tell you how tough it is to play that piece on a violin well. He's playing alone.
9:35 Tabooli tabooli, tabooli-ha! Tabooli tabooli, tabooli-ha! Ah, ha ha haaaaa! Ay, mahn! I geet yoo a co-coh nut, yah!?
I'm a simple man.. 🙂
? This is amazing I was sleeping and suddenly I awoke because I heard the Beautiful piano being played and my eyes were closed and I thought it was a video of maybe some flowers opening well I thought it was so beautiful I had to turn and look at the tablet and I couldn't believe that I saw this person the street playing this music wow he's amazing
OH WOW, never seen this done so good. Cobngrats freind.
Street dude at 6:22 is a stud. Awesome stuff
That Michael Jackson impersonator was defo one of the best I've seen in a long time.
6:47 FAR CRY 3 XD hahahahahah Make It Bun Dem 😀
Hmmm, how much are hula hoop classes with her?
Totlly good so geneus