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Check out more more puppy videos!
Two Fluffy White Pups: http://youtu.be/3z80Qrez2xQ
Cute Husky Puppies First Time Howling And Barking: http://youtu.be/fa0ogUfelAI
Husky Puppy VS Cat: http://youtu.be/-QRE2vTU1sY
Que bonitos son
Am I the only one who saw the tired mom in the background who wishes she'd stopped being abused as a breeding dog every 6 months to a year? You see the cute puppies and forget what happens to the mother breeding dogs – that these young puppies can and do often turn into. Pregnancy hurts, people need to stop being so free to breed. It needs to be limited, reduced, maybe even not allowed at all anymore. You know the saying about shelter dogs dying … well these forced breeding moms is also horrific.
Aww so cute
Mr bean
Love watching these videos of Puppies
Those tiny growls!
Whoever disliked this, have no heart
this was brain bleach for me after watching some STRANGE stuff * koff koff anime koff koff*
Cute puppy. Have a look!!!!
finally a puppy video with puppy sounds instead of music. thank you
Kiss awww I love it
RIP Stitch
ADOPT DONT shop. Pass it around. Why? Because pet overpopulation is a big problem. The poor animals end up sufering- not the people.
So cute press like for them
I love puppies
I have a golden retriever too. Good family dogs in my opinion. Lots of energy though.
I wonder what kind of dogs these are? Maybe they're Labrador golden retrievers?
after watching this video i said awww,so cute