TOTAL IDIOTS ON THE ROAD #686 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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The best collection of car video caught on Dash Cam from around the world. On this channel you will find a large selection of videos on various topics of car: idiot drivers, road rage, driving fails, close calls, instant karma, and many other collections. All pleasant viewing! Recent compilations every day!.
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Featured Playlists car theme !!!
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation (Car Crashes & Road Rage) – https://goo.gl/SjS8bs
CRAZY ROAD RAGE || ROAD FIGHT – https://goo.gl/Q3RvpW
INSTANT KARMA, INSTANT JUSTICE (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/b9LjvX
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS (Compilation) – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
Random acts of kindness || Humanity restored! – https://goo.gl/DyG3wW
USA ROAD RAGE & CAR CRASHES – https://goo.gl/NnJE3K
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.”
5:00 did anyone notice the date said 04/04/2026?
2:39 How the wife is crying ???
these fools are crashing into eachother on purpose unless there blind drivers or drunk
@3:45 Russians are in fact demons confirmed
There is certainly some poison in the air in Russia LOl.
Eighty procent IDIOTS Twenty procent are okay.MAY GOOD BLESS THEM!
Vodka and loud music is a must in Russia ??
2:40 Listen to that idiot start crying over nothing. LOL!
At the 0:27 mark I laughed, because there is a Prius cop car. lol. I cant stop laughing about that, it's just too funny. Imagine having a fast car and that trying to pull you over.
Keep playing right @ 2:37 over and over til the end lmao!
Что смешного в конце? Вообще то крупные перекрёстки именно так и чистят.
Stolen cop car or legit cop?
5:10 did anyone notice that guy slide out of the car????
oh my god a prius cop car. I.. I have no words other than OMG.
0:07 as if i've seen other car crashes at this roundabout
Put down the Vodka!
At the end I couldn’t help thinking the snow plow crew was jealous they don’t get a parade of their own so they were like guys, we will make our own parade tonight !!! Lol
Traffic lights are just there as a suggestion to Russians …
Тупая пи*да кричит :съебался вправо! Так он вправо и поворачивал?
Holy crap… I don't even need to type "Russian dash cam" into the search. Anything typed involving crappy drivers automatically consists of Russian (or other eastern European country) drivers. *ok that last one was funny.
Que pedo al final