Best fails and wins from last month. Enjoy 🙂
Intro Music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mrmrmike1337
“Backup channel”: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1GpM5zVjfob8OQ01hrV85w
Best fails and wins from last month. Enjoy 🙂
Intro Music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mrmrmike1337
“Backup channel”: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1GpM5zVjfob8OQ01hrV85w
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The Muslim on the subway doesn't even glance at buddy's magic trick…..seriously, they are not normal, believing in an evil political movement, disguised as a religion…
2:46 Have fun killing a family when your vehicle finally swerves into oncoming traffic. Asshat
All I want to know is that if Becca is OK??
At 2:45 I thought it was a freightliner ??? a trucker joke
LO muthafuckin L. That old dude on that little bike. I'm dead ????
0:36 not funny at all. Just stupid.
5:54 if Eminem raps any fasted ?
@1:34 who else could it be.
10:09 nice tribute to vyssotzki. i like that.
So happy I found this channel proper edits no repeats no extra added bullshit music or effects you just got a sub lol
only downside to this video is the fact that not all of the fails are from april 2019. Still a good video tho
3:00 I was expecting off reading, then I realized it hit me…. it was a Chevy
Of course its a swift truck.
Ok that last one got my nerves so bad I though it was happening to me, I kept telling the ladies to shut and its not funny, I am so scared I have to take a break and get myself together, o my goodness!
1:25 not a 4MATIC
1:54 …"Best In Class"…LOL
9:56 attempted murder
2019: Women need to run the world
Also: spends 5 minutes trying to get a squirrel off of a girls head using a twig.
A hair dresser to get a small mammal out of your hair, seriously? They're barely intelligent enough to cut and style hair, and with some of the bad haircuts I've received as a man, that's highly questionable for half of them.
Wow, @6:11 ya see the GoPro go swimming with the fishes!
I’m so happy this doesn’t have music, but that Thug Life music with the shades would have been totally appropriate at 9:06.
1:52 of course it’s a SWIFT driver
3:09 does anyone want to explain why that dog is wearing underwear???
SWIFT …….. Sure Wish I’d Finished Training
How come nobody is talking about the dog wearing underwear at 3:05?
The last 2 were the best lol!
dangit Becca
@8:00 what was she filming this for?!
9:49 that's what you get for not wearing your seatbelt, moron.
3:07 German Shepard in whitey tighties? Lmao
In the first clip – what is that in sky? A meteor ?
At 7:10, dude double kicks the bin lid closed and doesn't notice the mower chase.
10:06 Krusty has one of those!
9:55 Oh my God!
3:05 Dog with under wear !!!!!! Really !!!!! ?
6:02 it's a trick people, he it the bridge with the pole. Look into it…
@0:41 What the heck was wrong with that guy?
Tiny Bike Life
I nearly Died when that man started riding that tiny bike
6:15 Nobody will a cat thought that was odd behavior. I take that back. They didn't knock them over. Now that was odd.
2:46… I see the FedEx vans the contractors use haven't improved much
Wtf was that McDonald vid about. How did he do it. I need these answers
2:40 typical piece of junk Chevy
It’s boring
Что за бред в конце???))
claps in shame