I wish someone called Hope For Paws sooner to save Duncan. Please donate $5 and help us save these dogs off the streets… it is so cold outside, and it’s just one endless nightmare for them: http://www.HopeForPaws.org
Thank you Frosted Faces for fostering and handling his adoption:
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos
Por little puppy.and also l feel super bad
The transformation is amazing with just a little hope and love it shows what these great people are doing, watching your show has made me a better person,thank you so much.
I can't stop crying.
Da tanta gusto verle al final feliz y tan cómodo en su camita.. un maravilloso perro que lo ha pasado mal en su vida y ahora se merece lo mejor.
Gracias por rescatarlo.
Hacéis una labor que excepcional.
Remember there's no more loyal friend than a dog. Animals depend on us for TLC. They can feel pain fear sorrow empathy thirst hunger heat cold sickness lonelyness sadness and so on: JUST LIKE US.
They need acces to fresh water, shelter, nutrishes fresh food, excercise, acces to medical care, company distraction to prevent boredom and so on: JUST LIKE US. They can't speak up for themselves so let's stand up for them and give them our voice. If you encounter an abused or neglected animal please contact the animal police or bring it to the animal shelter. If you save one animal then together we can help a lot! Please help. Thank you.
I have so much respect for people that work tirelessly to help and save abandoned and injured animals! I hate cruelty to these dogs so it makes me happy that they usually have a happy ending!
Awww 3:58 ?❤?
Poor doggo?
Wow I thought it's a grey dog until after you washed him, it was all dirt, damn…..
Almost crying here
man is the dam alien. For a species thats suppose to be so intelligent, some really let us all down by neglecting any animal in this way. I agree that it should come with a prison sentence just the same as it would if you treat a child this way. I pray that humans will wake up
Who theee fuuuuckkk dislike this vedio i will put my foot in there ass for the who dislike only like❤❤??
You people are really Angel in this world..what you do for these innocent animal is really appreciated and I think this is the real humanity what we always talking about… hat's of you guys…love from India and I really proud of you..
Omg u guys are saints, thank the Lord for people like u, absolutely breaks my heart watching these beautiful animals go through this ? people who do this don't deserve life, sorry. Keep up the awesome work
??????Thanks angels❤??
What sick fuck would tie him like this and not just put him down? ?
Finally 4m sub i w8ed for that moment u guys deserves more than that
So sad ???? thank you so much for helping and saving animals ??????????❤️❤️❤️?????? I love what you done
??? бедняшка
Thank u man for adopting him?
I had tears in my eyes, who just neglects a poor blind dog? People that do this should go to jail!
Thank y’all for rescuing these poor babies.
Awwwwwww. Thank you guys so much for saving Duncan.
This is everything. Love. Stop animal cruelty. Please
Don't be cruel with animals they are also living things..
Y'all are amazing to do this! He loved that bath. Sweet boy.
It's possible that duncan can see again?
The crews who help the dog ? are so kind and beautiful!! God bless you all!!! And it’s very difficult to explain the dog felling!! It’s painful!!!