World’s Most Stupid Women Drivers 2017 – Funny Women Driving Fails – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
Приятного просмотра, будьте аккуратней на дороге!
Male or female, Russians don't know how to drive.
The skirt that girl is wearing at 2:16 would make a small handkerchief. I can see why he keeps on lecturing her. I would too.
9:43 You take all the sweet time you like honey…Dam!
1:56 Was this guy being a monumental ass hole for no reason or just using this as an excuse to maybe hit on her?
Funny how all these “women drivers” are giving American-not Canadian So ya
07:08 Darwin Awards recommendation.
3:51 Oh. my. GOD!!!!!! The pedal I pressed doesn't make the car go STOP – it does make it goes FASTER…. Better press it with more force, maybe this will convince the car to stop?
3:51 Oh. my. GOD!!!!!! The pedal I pressed doesn't make the car go STOP – it does make it goes FASTER…. Better press it with more force, maybe this will convince the car to stop?
3:51 Oh. my. GOD!!!!!! The pedal I pressed doesn't make the car go STOP – it does make it goes FASTER…. Better press it with more force, maybe this will convince the car to stop?
3:51 Oh. my. GOD!!!!!! The pedal I pressed doesn't make the car go STOP – it does make it goes FASTER…. Better press it with more force, maybe this will convince the car to stop?
Mujeres rubias lodo mmmm
1:22 , that poor car, it's a good car too
What gets me is these people who think they have the right of way so just keep on driving forward, expecting the idiot ahead of them doing their idiot thing to INSTANTLY get their shit together and STOP doing that idiot thing in the next half a second… When they've had their whole LIFE to get their shit together and it hasn't happened yet…
0:53 OMG!
they're so hot with airbags on their faces!
What is song at beginning
4:25 at least she park perfect
Why don't these people check their blind spots??
6:23 and the 70 point turn award goes to…..
Why did they drive with the Dodge in mud in the first place?
The problem here is in a lot of countries you don't have to pass a driving test you just buy your license.
Women may not know how to drive a car but they can sure drive you crazy!!!!
I just can't understand one thing… How is it possible, that more houses are not on fire, when women are cooking?
9:45 We here in the states … call that… a cunt
The "ma hoy blyat!" guy is my spirit animal
The lady on the last video was super suck
Both the lady and the guy were fool
What a bunch of fucking cunts…
I am a woman and I do not even understand what these morons are doing!!! I have been driving for 30 years without an incident and am damn good at it. I've seen men drivers who cannot tell left from right. When you're dumb, no matter what you do, you do it like this.
"Where did you come from? What the hell?"
Cop: Signals that he is also just as confounded as driver
The Saudis are right. If these women were home baking cookies we could save billions in loss of life and property annually. It's clear that they lack the coordination and temperament to operate any machine more complex than a washing machine.
7:26 check out bus on overpass
People on bikes think they are special and should get do as they please and get whole road but cry at smallest little stuff
The guy 1:11 dodged like he didnt want her sliding into his DM
Uhhh.. She knows that she can push till she turns purple and its not making a difference right??.. LOL.
The cop at 7:41 just sort of sums up the video really.
People actually get offended when you call certain countries shitholes. I’m sorry but any country where a woman is carrying her baby in arm whilst driving a fucking dirtbike with one hand is a SHITHOLE
Guess thats what happen when you never get used to imports and manual
The woman at 9:46 should have taken her bra and pantyhose off.
Literally the entire video: "you stupid bitch"
I remember teaching one of my ex’s how to drive bitch almost crashed my car like 3 times… we were in a fucking parking lot
I don't speak russian but I think I guess what the silly girl is saying to try to justify as why she is in the wrong direction…
That lady with the baby, she should be put in jail and take take away the baby.
6:16 – and that's how a car masturbates !!
more of a fan of the ones where woman get out and fight tbh
Please don't blame them, they can't do anything about being a women… Only hard thing is that it could be your car she's wreckin…
7:52 The kid probably was like "Mom u STOOOPID cant drive im walking the way to school"
I dont understand why no one is talking about 9:43?! What the actual fuck is going on? Why? What's her thought process? What even happened to her car? Did it get towed? Is this a common thing?! need information