Khichdi Recipe | Hyderabadi Khatta Recipe for kids | Nawabs Kitchen

Khichdi Recipe | Hyderabadi Khatta Recipe for kids | Nawabs Kitchen
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Nizam kings breakfast Recipe for kids by Moin bhai


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  1. Really appreciate you brother., You are sharing Full of ❤️ and affection to all kids. God bless you.!!

  2. Assalam Alaikum Warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu,,,, Great Job Bhai.. Allah Bless you forever, one request with you, kindly provide the measurements of ingredients which are using in above cooking dishes.. Thanks jazakallah khair..

  3. Superb & we liked your recipes & the main thing is that serving the food for children's …… God bless you for this helping nature ?????????

  4. Be a good human being, a warm hearted, affectionate person. We cannot despair of humanity .God give the apprachanatey to you… .live long and helathy life.

  5. You are doing great job sir ..I have been watching your videos everytime but when I was looking for comment section it was disabled I am really happy seeing the to your hands ..thank you so much

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