This educational video is perfect for kids (grades 1 – 3) to teach them about animal shelters, homeless dogs and cats, and what they can do to help.
This video was made by HEART (teachhumane.org) as a resource for teachers to talk about animal shelters and homelessness with students in the classroom. We understand that youtube is blocked in many schools. If you would like to download this video in high resolution, right click on this link and (depending on your browser) select save as or download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1986111/Shelter%20Video%20Final.m4v
Animal shelters are jail for them. It's a cold sad place where they spend months and years in jail and they get executed. Unless you make it a happier place where dogs are not separated, run around outside and are not euthanized, these types shelters are the worst place for animals
Kill shelters aren't a bad thing, the more you adopt from them and volenteer and donate to them the less animals that have to die
LOL ich muss für schule machen LOL Kein Bokbk
to help homeless dogs and cats for 1 dollar to transfer to Payeer P72653981 purse !!! Thanks for the mercy!
Plz tell me this isn't a lie tell me u don't kill dogs
So what happens to animals that don't get adopted? Are they killed? WOMAN: UHH CUT THE CAMERA THEY'RE ONTO US!
I don't know why but this made me cry
PLEASE can someone HELP me. A few months ago a kitten appeared in my yard, i think its about 6 months old but! its a VERY nervous kitten, it could be a feral, the problem i have is its heading to the vet but! i'm unable to catch it to put into the cat carrier. I want to keep the kitten if it decides to go off and doesn't want to stay at least when the vet neuters or spays it then i know i'll have done my bit.
Yeah right non of this is true,the animals that are taken there die within 72h if they don't get adopted the conditions that they live in is terrible the people that take there pets there are bascily killing there pets because they die within 72h if they arnt taken home by someone
To get more animals adopted & not returned to shelters please read, & promote:
Regarding Pet Rent & Pet Fees in Rentals:
This is clear discrimination. Smokers "always" cause damage & need carpet/padding replaced, walls/ceilings re-painted w/many extra coats/kilz, appliances replaced, vents cleaned, etc. in attempts to get smoke out. Costs are astronomical, as stated by the many utube videos done by apartment managers – check: costs of smoking apartments.
There is no "smokers" rent, or non-refundable deposits & they are never charged a dime for the damage they always cause. College students & children commonly cause damage, &, there is no "college student/children" rent/fees.
Pets do NOT always cause damage. I've been doing animal behavior problem solving almost 30 years. Yes, you will get some irresponsible tenants with their animals, but, no more than average tenants who are irresponsible & cause damage, &, definitely have NEVER caused as much damage as any smoker.
Smokers are never turned away, &, pets usually are turned away, &, limited in how many, what size, breed restriction, etc.
No pet has ever caused a risk like a smoker does of fire – life threat to the whole community & building damage.
Hopefully, these discriminatory practices will soon be outlawed, &, people will be able to go back to rentals for refunds for the years they've lived there.
In addition, renters mostly do NOT want carpet for allergy purposes, animals & any bug issues. Carpets are toxic. Please focus on offering healthy rentals without carpet (or, at least offering non-carpet for those who desire). Your expenses will be enormously lower (not replacing carpet every year, or paying for carpet cleaning.
Taxes are extremely high due to Pet Rent & Pet Fees. This is keeping people from adopting at shelters because they cannot afford the pet rent & fees. People who adopt from shelters are lowering our taxes. Costs to run Animal Control in every city in the U.S. include: buildings, utilities, employees, supplies, veterinarians, etc. due to excessive animals & not enough homes for them. People who adopt from shelters should actually have "reduced" rent since they are saving our country enormously on taxes.
We learned about animals shelters and mostly all of us agreed that shelters shouldnt just keep them for 6 days then put them to sleep(kill them) you should give them a week or 2 because no one is gonna adopt a dog that fast they need time …. My teacher adopted her dog they dont know if their owners moved or he ran away so that animal shelter put a chip in its neck and their # on the collar/leash thing now thats a good shelter SOME shelters Have a No-Kill policy (which means they dont kill them) but some also just put them to sleep give them at least more days some timee… Just wanted,to share because we oearned it today soo yah buy… Imma get a puppy for Christmas!!
Are you interested in seeing a Documentary Video produced about a Blind Cat Rescue? An Indiegogo project page has been created for it. When the the project goal is met 50% of the money will be donated to Blind Cat Rescue and a documentary video will produced!
They need money: http://www.shelterchallenge.com/
Their were so cute! I wish my parents would adopt an animal. Even a cat, and im allergic to cats.
Not exactly. There are a lot of No-Kill Shelters that do not kill without cause…so any healthy animal without major personality issues will continue to stay there until they are adopted.
Dont the shelters usually give the animals 3 months?