Raw audio and video of 5 little puppies I found in my yard.
First reported super max cuteness: 00:31:35 (thanks Willow)
Hear puppies yawn and bark in their sleep. Audio will contain chickens, fireworks and the distant sounds from army artillery practice! Soft music version coming soon. Recorded in the hill tribe village of Naamhoo in northern Thailand.
Puppies and mamma dog are now newfound family members and are all doing very well.
Puppies sleeping – 11 hours natural “raw” sound – Hear puppies sleeping
did anyone actually watch this for 11 hrs!?
Spooning with 3 or more shall forever be known as Puppying.
Up to 2 hours :3
Edit: 10 mins to 3! <3
Edit 2: 5 hours in yahoo!
This video is the only reason I haven’t thrown myself off a cliff yet
Those puppies are so cute! Awww…
This helps Apollo sleep Apollo is my dog
So sweet
I played 10 minutes of outlast so I came here for comfort
Disliked video; watched whole thing now "rawww" sounds
sleep all these years been cosplay as raven alexa poletti made this costume
Very sweet video
This video is helping me keep my shit together.
Am I the only one who finished this?
I really want to buy a cute puppy now like that puppy but my dad says that when he comes back home oww im never gonna get a cute puppy now: (
11 hours of heaven
Well those dogs are having a goooood sleep 🙂
this is my new fetish
How the hell does sleeping puppies get dislikes. I've lost all faith in humanity. {Jev btw}
oh my god this video of puppies sleeping was shit! There is so much better videos than this of puppies sleeping!!! #terrible #FaZeJev #Jev
Who came from Jev
Who came from Jev
ive waited 3 years for this and this is all i get
Jev anyone?
I'm here cause jev
if you're here from Jev's new video, respect.
This is too sweet, thank you
Maldito y sensual Quetzal