Amazing Animal Rescue – Inside Edition (2012)

Amazing Animal Rescue - Inside Edition (2012)
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This is one of the most incredible and heartwarming animal rescues you’ll ever see.

Inside Edition sent me to report on Hurricane Isaac as it slammed into New Orleans.

Braithwaite, Louisiana was especially hard hit by flooding and as we travelled there to explore the damage… an amazing animal rescue started to unfold.

Videographer Billy Viscup captured the whole thing on camera as residents desperately worked to save trapped animals that had been left behind.

This story aired on Inside Edition: August 30, 2012

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About the Author: Paul Boyd


  1. Menos mal ke existe buena gente por qué sobran hijos de puta que dejan a su suerte los pobres animales les deseo la muerte a esos bastados que no se preocupan de los animales

  2. hojala y siempre exista gente como esta que ayuda a los pobres animalitos que muchas veces son dejados a su suerte durante las inundaciones (deberían de colgar de las patas a muchos de sus dueños por desgraciados)

  3. Wow blows my mind people would actually ever abandon their animals in the most scary moment of their life. now all his cat has for last memories is the fact their Pos owner walked away and left them there to die. I'd rather that man stayed behind I'm OK with humans who suck meeting their demise but not these innocent animals. Sad!

  4. Again in the US people leave their animals behind, when they get avacuated! This is impossible! You are to take them with you!
    Why do you leave this familymembers to their deadly fate when they need you the most? What kind of people are you?! Don't like you anymore.

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