The Top 5 Shiny Fails of the Week in Pokemon Lets GO!
The best Shiny Fails in Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu and Eevee!
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TOP 5 SHINY LEGENDARY REACTIONS OF THE WEEK! Pokemon Let’s GO Pikachu Eevee Shiny Montage! Week 6
The Top 5 Shiny Reactions of the Week, presented by aDrive! In this video I break down the top 5 user submitted Shiny Fail Reactions from Week 4 of Pokemon Let’s GO Pikachu and Eevee! This new series will showcase Shiny Hunters, big and small, and bring our Shiny Hunting community closer together! Be sure to show love to everyone in this video! LIKE, Comment and Subscribe! Which reaction was your favorite?
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Clips must be on YouTube or Twitch and be YOUR clip. Do not submit someone elses clip!
Learn how to find Shiny Pokemon Here:
NEW SHINY METHOD in POKÉMON LETS GO PIKACHU and EEVEE! How to get Easy Shiny Pokemon in Lets Go!
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Our Top 5 for Week 7
#5 – Fouetzky
#4 – Toto_Vzla
#3 – CallmeCrow
Tweets by xasthecrowflies
#2 – GrimWho?
#1 – Deathly
Luckily I caught my shiny psyduck while hunting a venonat. Feels good to have a shiny these streamers failed xD
In my pokémon let's go pikachu I got a shiny charmander and a shiny Growlithe almost at the same time. 3 days later I remember that I didn't save my data, so I lost the 2 shinys
I was once shiny hunting and I said " this is the last battle then I'm stopping and I found a shiny Evee and I hit too many times with houndoom.
Your voice is fucking annoying mate. No one sounds like that. Rethink your life.
Yooooooooo, your introooooos are annoying afffffffff
The last guy straight up sounds like that sonic kid
Things I don't like about #2:
His Eevee'z haircut
The uncollected item on the island
His poor reaction/surprised a Lapras despawned
Wearing a hat indoor
His added attempt to be cool by having a level 91 Mew at the front of his party
I failed a ditto while sober
Catch any shiny, Amen.
That Lapras is yet another reason i boycotted buying this game.
that lapras should have been number 1. Holy crap. He ran away to despawn before anything bad happened.
Catch first b4 react that wat happen to all early celebrations
"J'ai failé un shiny" xD Connar de canadien…
i found a shiny golbat while i was trying to do the puzzle to get articuno to fight you
Shiny hunting in Let’s Go is not for the faint of heart.
Number 3 is almost literally exactly what happened to me with my random shiny dragonite…. I'm still so mad about it. ONE THROW, break out, haul ass….. giant green jerk….
4:33 That animation is a dead giveaway that they are about to run.
#4 All it is is censors lol I'm dead
In case of #2, does the chain break or you can continue waiting for it to reappear?
No wonder he drank too much
That shiny ditto fail is the best video I've seen…
Can anyone link me to the shiny roaming legendary mentioned? I didn’t know it was possible…
I have a shiny pyduck (idk how to spell it soz)
that is why you dont celebrate till you get the pokemon
I should have clipped my shiny Geodude fail!
I love your content
I just failed a shiny pidgey because of my mom
I faild a shiny seel
That Shiny Lapras was like "Byeeeee Bitch"
I was hunting for shiny Chansey instead found shiny Golbat also in Cerulean Cave
I saw a random shiny graveler and went up a ladder too quick in Cerulean Cave
Holy wow
I had just gotten a Golbat shiny and I was in the cave right before the Pokémon League. I had caught two machokes then two graveliers…. suddenly a golden brownish Machop shiny showed up. it was awesome. I actually had caught well over 200 pigeottos and graveliers and never got or saw a shiny. I went after caterpie and got it within an hour. now they've been showing up around 60-110. so maybe it helps to start with weaker ones?
these videos scare me… I always carry at least 2-3 master balls at a time and I never "pause" on the want to run away? screen
#1 is deathly because he is friends with dan :p
The thing with Lapras is that once it’s off screen, it’s gone
I was lucky to catch my shiny lapras. It happened after only catching staryus back to back for 10 minutes. It's also a good thing the lapras spawned close to me.
I found a shiny Golbat (my first shiny in the game) and I successfully caught then went to shiny hunt for Mewtwo reset without saving…and deleted the shiny Golbat. Can I get a F for failing this shiny.?
damn the yoooooo intro makes me cringe so much
whats the music at 5:18
I really have no sympathy for the guy that couldn't even figure out how to NOT run away from the Pokémon lol
ear rape warning
9:24 look at goku XD
Deathly pulled a fifi on that psyduck poor dude
The one who lost the shine and very goofy lapras