These days taking selfies is a favorite pastime around the world. But did you know it can turn deadly? Our list covers 7 Heartbreaking Deaths While Taking Selfies, throwing caution to the wind these daredevils risk it all for the perfect picture.
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Image credits & information sources for this video: http://pastebin.com/X4rUhmn7
“Ice Demon” “Satiate”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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stop faking
There is nothing heartbreaking about a self centered narcissist croaking while trying to get more attention.
i wouldn't call it heartbreaking……….i'd call it Karma…..
I guess humans really are the superior species of the planet I'm still waiting to see it
@3:12 Sounds like a scene from Final Destination fo shiza. I mean, falling from a bridge and then grabbing high voltage wires…wow
hahahahaha , stupid bastards
That‘s why I take my selfies only at home lol
this video sucks
Heart breaking is not the word for it really. Just dont do stupid shit.
Less fools. A better Earth.
Eerie music not required
Lol these people are all Darwin Award winners. Natural selection.
And who said stupidity doesn't kill. I can't believe common sense is that uncommon.
Dumbasses, especially that fireball b****.
none of these were sad it's called people being retard's
At 3:20 I could hear the end music for scp containment breach
Hope the selfie was worth it
This isn't heartbreaking or tragic…its pretty comical….people have lost all common sense…if you are stupid enough to risk your life to take a picture of yourself to see how many "Likes" you will get is stupid….These retards are just removing themselves from the gene pool. I think its great.
Stupid Fucks deserve to Die!
7 Cases of Mental Retardation. #Naturalextinction
Proverbs 16
17 The highway of the straight Is to turn away from evil; He who guards his life watches over His way.
18 Before destruction comes pride, And before a fall a haughty spirit!
19 Better to be lowly in spirit with the poor, Than to divide the spoil with the proud.
““Go in through the straight and narrow gate; for the gate that leads to destruction is wide and the road broad, and many travel it; but it is a straight, narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
Mattityahu (Matthew ) 7:13-14
My heart is still intact.
Well i don't feel any sorrow for them, cuz they were dumb af doing that shit
Generation of idiots
I wish drinking Starbucks coffee was more dangerous. It will take centuries to cleanse the world of stupid coffee selfies.
One thing i learned from this is to ban the bull fighting. These bulls don't have a choice. They still get killed. Watch "Dominion" on YouTube or visit. This is about animals
3:28 Goof azz
2:20 he spoke that on hisself
Wheres Wu yongings death?
Some of you guys are wondering why Wu Yongning wasn't part was because he filmed his death instead of taking a selfie.
Why are people so FUCKING STUPID
Hate selfies
1:14 I have a question how tall is his moms bathroom door ?
People needs to stop with this stuff NOW!
Wassup with the creepy music doe
adds scary music
I’m sorry but why would you think hanging on to an electrical wire is gonna save you. I hope she Rest In Peace of course.. but that didn’t make sense.
That will happen if u dont stop bullying bull
i hate bulls