Car Crash Compilation || Road accident #123 (China).Best collection of car crash. Fatal crashes on this channel you will not find!
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Car Crash Compilation || Road accident #113
Car Crash Compilation || Road accident #114 (Truck accident)
Car Crash Compilation || Road accident #115
Good deeds on the road || Good people || Manifestation of good in the way
Car Crash Compilation || Road accident #117
Car Crash Compilation || Road accident #118
Car Crash Compilation || Road accident #119
Car Crash Compilation || Road accident #120
Car Crash Compilation || Road accident #121
Car Crash Compilation || Road accident #122
I heard there are over 250000 deaths on Chinese roads a year in China !!!!!
no.1 china! 썅꼴라!
1:49, Welp, I guess he can speek English.
Yup.. we have crazy drivers here as well..
they are so dumb at driving…
Most of them filmed are in Taiwan
splunch kroutres
what are these creatures? are they really human with heart? In Azerbaijan 100 people run to help .
its taiwan,not china
Yeah~most clips in this video happened in Taiwan, of course Taiwan provence is part of China~
damn…at least the Russians have vodka and icy/snow as an excuse….
lol who gave them driver license
These are in Taiwan, not China…
Hey do they rent armored tanks? I don't drive there unless in one…lol
Accidents in Taiwan, another China.
а в Китае есть гаишники??? p.s я когда был урумчи там не была вообще гаи
Difference between Russians and Chinese people, Russians stop to help when an accident happens…
Most car drivers are nervous over turning of the wheel accidents, a quarter turn doing 5 miles an hour is a big difference when going 60 miles an hour with a quarter turn of the wheel.
lol worst than Russia
Don,t know which is worst, the bad truck drivers, the crazy car drivers or the suicidal freaks on scooters.
Класс, спасибо за видео. Выкладывай иностранное почаще, а то от наших пейзажей уже тошнит…)
1:53 Lucky
вот https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTvsnwxa-JY&feature=youtu.be
видео надо было назвать-Похрустим) . Был в Китае и не в одном городе,они там так ездят будто правил ваще не существует,поразил таксист 2часа ночи пустая дорога он едет бибикает))) ща поищу видео перекрестка,залью,покажу.
До Китая добрался? 🙂
Видать идиотов там больше чем у нас. У нас так ездят только бухие за рулём.