To be continued memes welcome to 2017
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To be continued memes welcome to 2017
[Ad:] Check out my current Giveaway w/ G2A: http://www.g2a.com/biggestsaleoftheyear
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8:18 im coming bois
At 8:09 if evereone don't now who he is snoop dogg
haha 4:09
This is uploaded on my birthday
Am i kinda late? #latesquad
India never lose, because in India goddesses fucked by their god with long dick and made 1.2 billion pewDiePie haters ?
Double Slap Baby
Just came here to see pewds swear it's been ages
Hey do u wach the melodifestivalen BTW im from sweden
Pewds saying that he hopes that they die makes me sad 🙁
9:25. ^_^
i taught the old man is a real human LOl 2019?
But why because it's____
3:28 that is what you call x-ray from mortal kombat
This is my favorite video from pewdiepie but when i wanna watch it again i shocked cuz my dislike button is blue
Rip slippy
I love you PewDiePie
I love that anime
breaking tower falls and crushes man
Pewds: Yessss
2016: Last to the meme
2019: stops the meme from lasting
6:20 la caída de el Edgar
Subs:kill him for the subs
Pew: i GOT a neW pet
I dare you to watch
Robert Weide did you ever watch it? Its funnier than that
Who else is reliving the good ol' days?
I hate it to at 6:53
I LOVE YOU PEWDIEPIE like if you like pewdiepie
It’s 2019 idiot
Guy jumps off cliff : calls him a moron
Pokémon going to get crushed: o that poor thing
he makes it, but he breaks a few bones
Fans:where does pewdiepie get money from?
Pewdiepie:MR BEAST
Shit fist
Fuck t series
Yes! Yes! Yes!
It's odd hearing Pews saying the f word
Media could take half of this video out of context
0:02 Australians he sort of looks like old mate Clive palmer
9:29 to 9:40 iş very funny ??
Please don’t use the ‘R’ word
4:43 looks like a call of duty campaign
It's now May 2019 and i still watch this vid
I now miss the old pewdiepie since he is the number 1.
What was the music called in 6:11
Hi how are you 3:14
Your content is a ok