Instant Karma – Show-Off Fails Compilation #11
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Wha happen da da?
Yes !!!! Yass !!! Yeassssssss!!!! Love it when show offs kill themselves … Just fkin love it
I'm guessing the other end of that ski said DICK.
2:06 thank you for the mini heart attack you fucker
2:35 at the very end he looked so scared
That's why woman shouldn't be soldiers at 2:13
I love watching idiots do stupid things that give them a 5 seconds of fame at best.
The first one-day how to cool ur engine fast and easy
Vertical video is evil.
Hahahahahaha! Right in the pool!
Funny but I wish it was even more blurry. I don't think there was enough Vaseline on the lenses.
The double palm face at 3:14 was the best
And thats why you fools dont put BIG wheels on small bolt patterns … retards
The white lowrider driver died… the roof of the car was crushed to the seats
Ski through coach window. .lol..
Haha stupid people riding a bike in a ? lol
They're more show off than a peacock in mating season
2:34 I use to love smashing punks like this at bars what a bitch
Now this is ?. The show off at 1:03 thinks he's tuff and proves he's not LOL.
Why do people laugh, when someone gets hurt?
1:27 who put that fuckin bus ther?
1:27 who put that fuckin bus ther?
When you try so hard
But you don't succeed
22 seconds fuck yo bike
That ski tough
2:04 What was that sound XD
I love it when show-offs get the karma they deserve, especially ones that say " FIRST " all the time!
Opening scene looks like douche-fest 2016
I love how the last jackass didn't wear a helmet and he diffently didnt playin that cool, dumb ass!
1:40 form French movie
1:19 they are even saying bro. Classic douchebag.
You know your cool when you smoke the rear tire without a shirt on and your hat on backwards.
2:58 exact. fake. shithead put his hands up to hit the locker door not his already dented face.
Hahahaha..The dude in the gym was hilarious..
In his I know that dude was "I GOT THIS, FUCKING MOOOOVEEEE SOOONNNN…Wait..wait..HELP HELP!!..Fuck..I need to learn how to workout.." lol
eh kontol kalian semua
The ski guy…HILARIOUS.
0:25 he did the Mario Jump????