140+ animals rescued from North Carolina puppy mill

140+ animals rescued from North Carolina puppy mill
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On September 26, 2016, we were called in by the Cabarrus County Sheriff’s Office to help rescue nearly 130 animals from a North Carolina property.

After an anonymous tip to the Cabarrus County Sheriff’s Office, it was determined that further action was necessary. Once on the property, we discovered the animals living in unsanitary conditions. Many were being kept in rusty cages and had untreated medical issues. The HSUS has safely transported the animals to a temporary emergency shelter, where they will receive medical attention.

Want to help? Click here: http://bit.ly/2dg9Vj8


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  1. Believe it or not but after doing some research I found out this happened on the same street I live on and it’s so devastating to me ?

  2. I can't even imagine the emotional toll this takes on a person who volunteers to do this sort of thing. Every single one of these 'rescuers' is an angel. On my evil side; anyone who can do this to an animal isn't even an animal, they are devils in human disguise! A pox on their reproductive systems so they can't taint the earth with any more of their stink!. Is that too much to ask?

  3. My dog, Sadie, who died in January from unknown events was rescued from this horrible horrible place. She lived in the yard area where dead animals were everywhere and we have pictures of her living there…. we never even found out how old she was because her teeth were ground down from biting at the fence and eating rocks. We gave her a great, loving family for the last year and 8 months of her life. She was my snuggle bug and would sit on my lap haha, but I miss her. My family goes by a new motto when it comes to animals; Adopt not shop.

  4. Hey I'm a person from Florida there's this guy who has starved his dogs for years and I this dog might pass if he's not helped we leave him food and water out to catch him but we can't we've called shelters but they might put him down are only hope is you can you help me before he dies

  5. En jaulas y amontonados, deben estar edos parasitos mal paridos. Aun asi no pagan tanta crueldad, vale mad la plata q la vida de esos indefensos.. x suerte los sacaron de la mugre y el infierno, ojala quiened adopten, los quieran, no sea q pasen x mas martirio..

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