EXOTIC THAI FOOD Tour! → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44aLHs6uEcs
Going to Thailand? Check out A Chef’s Tour → https://www.achefstour.com/
Going to Vietnam? Check out Onetrip →
Location 1 Ruamchoek market
Address : Provincial highway 1001 Faham
Food name : Steamed rice dumpling ( khao kriep pak mor) 25 baht
Total price 25 baht
Location 2. Meer da young ma yu restaurant
Address : Baan Moung ton Doi saket
Tel. 0818831942 , 0812926279
Food name :
Buffalo sh-t juice soup ( Luu piea )50 baht
Raw pig ‘s blood soup ( Luu Moo ) 50 baht
Hot spicy spleen soup ( Tom yum mam) 60 baht
Total price 160 baht
Come say hi on:
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FACEBOOK → https://www.facebook.com/BestEverFoodReviewShow/
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Patreon is a platform that allows people to support creators on a recurring basis. Your contribution is an investment in creative freedom. Your generous donation will allow me the time and resources to create more videos for you. → https://www.patreon.com/BestEverFoodReviewShow
If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.
I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.
Sonny is dead now from this video, but please follow him on Instagram to see behind the scenes content of his coming India trip! @InstaSonnySide
Check out these tour companies when you're in Southeast Asia!
Going to Thailand? Check out A Chef's Tour → https://www.achefstour.com/
Going to Vietnam? Check out Onetrip → https://www.christinas.vn/onetrip/
Sometimes when I watch this show it makes me want to snack, sometimes not so much.
Gordon Ramsay: that's fockin raw
mangosteen is the most delicious thing in the world, how can you make it sound so bizarre?!?! no hate, just a bit surprised cause i really love mangosteen
Y’all fucking nasty ?
Just one question.
You know he's dead☠️☠️☠️
ILL HAVE THE BUFFALO SHIT please thank you
Like who tf would like to eat poop and whyyyyyyyyyyyy?
Buffalo dung
?WTF? Do you wanna eat shyt??
buffalo shit juice soup??
So we can poop, cook it and poop again so we'll never be hungry???
The best way to watch this one is on the toilet.
Us Women are laughing our asses off at these grown ass men who are scared of pure blood!!!! ? honestly tho that shit looks nasty as hell…
8:11 he said "The New Erwan Heusaff" ???
I wouldn't recognize him without a bandana
Peppa has left the chat
You should try Human poop wine in South Korea.
I am not joking.
It is a fact and a chef never lies.
145°F Freedom Units!!!! Murica!!!
Sonny, did you ever realize that the 'Lady' sitting next to you in red has bigger biceps than you?
U ate rat meat how do u not have a disease
I'm from Thailand, and I wouldn't even bother to eat this. It's to scary.
omg ewww
Am not going to be chief in my life ??????it is disgusting to taste gros food ewwwww
bruh i literally just started the video and im already queasy like im literally paused at 0:08 seconds and my stomach is churning im scared to play lmaoooo
Finally…………just NO!!! I will try just about anything – however, I am not consuming 'blood soup' or 'buffalo poo soup'……….Nooooooo!!!
These peeps are so disgusting yeckkkk Ohhh Maennnn ?? this is sick ?
sonny: "meat people are just more fun"
…"i think vegetables bring out the boringness in people"
hahaha 😀 well said sonny
Thank God you survive eating that food ??
Guys I just threw up
Poop?… soup???
5:50 what song?
Song at 1:53?
Now after saying that. EEWWWWWWW LOL