Emergency brakes system of Trucks saved a life – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
That is why a heavy goods driving licence is required .truck drivers are alert and vigilant but sometimes they too are careless and cause accidents.before trucks had servo or booster brakes .trucks were not made for speed but loading. New modern trucks are more efficient because or traffic congessions.old time drivers were courteous and responsible. Today drugs alcohol are contributors in road fatalities. These modern brake technology helps prevent major accidents.
Jak są tacy pewni to dlaczego nie dadzą Lamborghini tylko atrapę? 😀
Excellent driving,all of them!!!!!
Can Optimus Prime do this?
Those two kids in the first clip are my in real life school friends… And they’re really lucky to be alive. I also take that bus sometimes. And after the near-death accident, the bus has to stop on a little parking area where the sidewalk connects to. If you need to cross the road, you have to wait until the bus is far away so other vehicles can see you. I am very late but I just wanted to give some info! And I am not sure if they have to stop on the parking area as much as before.
I was dying when the truck in the second video had Eastbound and Down
1 number
From first clip till bus emergency brake clip those where human skills not the breaking sys
But My question is how does it perform in the Winter like on ice covered roads ect
Как тебе такое илон маск?
0:08 szacun dla tirowca
Kreiss is latvian car
2:05 close call
The first noe was in Norway
Это по сухой дороге так, а если гололед или снег
first one was first heart attack for me..omg
Сука долбоебы а не дети лучше бы сбило научились бы не играть на дороге
Обратите внимание половина видео сняты в России!
0:07 if this happens in Pakistan ????
I want them died 🙂
Thank god that truck is fine
volvo goob
I think volvos emergency brakes are the best
The 1.6k haters are scania lovers
Volvo lo hizo de nuevo
Pinche morro pendejo
Puto niño de mierda
Volvo and scania are the best
Mercedes and Volvo the best trucks.
Just : waouh
Intro vas from Norway
I hate kids that run around a busy street that pisses me of because when we hit them their parents blame on us
0:06? Game Over!
Что за идиоты мозгов как у паука хотя ещё меньше, стадо
Nothing will help when u drive 100 or more km/h and someones goes fast on your way and BOOM
I would hope the breaks wont work next time and these idiots would finally beginn to look befor they go °