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FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 million fans across digital platforms!
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0:42. I don't get that wedge ramp… why not a brick wall for people to smash against? Easier, more effective. Kids killed, job done, end of story. And, seriously, that irresponsible father 1:29 should be arrested and locked away in a solitary cell. Friggin' lucky those kids didn't get seriously burned, while he laughed and kept filming. In fact, the girl in white came very (very) close to being blinded if those fireworks hit her on the face. This is so fucked up it should have never been edited here.
Oh! Front flip!
That box car one had me in the house waking up everybody laughing?????like we all see this Jump is to extreme but let's leave it there for shits and giggles
The dancing one was the only funny one.
4:03 bem vinda de volta filha
@2:07 “just fall and make my day” ??? lmaooo
I loved when her wig flew off in the last video! haHAhA
After watching this video I have come to the conclusion that jumps should not be in box cart races
Песня на 5. 12
What the actual was the second last video?
1:34 охуенный батя, хуле базарить))
the decadence of fail army? its time is gone?
Please tell me what happened at the derby car race!!
4:03 lmao
Seriously enough of the sling shot videos, or at least turn the volume down on those clips.
0:54 " can't live without my phone"
Can we all agree hula hoop dancing is not a thing and people who do it have rank B.O and Oily hair.
4:00 best part for me
3:24 Me when I’m home alone
does anyone know the name of this track 5:11 – 5:56 ? (:
Girl on the slingshots to the ? her face is one of the beat ever
wear helmets kids
5:12 what even? ???
3:16 how many were hoping he'd fall and break his ass? LOLOLOL
5:20 PAC e Mike do Tazercraft
4:02 I love the comment on the original video: "Even the demon inside her passed out on that ride!"
The last one is the expression of KARMA.
4:09 wtf????
2:42 "checking if someone saw it, nop lets post it on youtube" haha
Not okay to display video of irresponsible parent allowing kids to 1) hold dangerous fireworks in their hands 2) without safety glasses 3) while laughing when they are inches from loosing an eye. Failarmy I usually enjoy your videos but this one got past your quality check.
06:01 find me chick thats hot