Orey wast naa kodakallara eee Vedio ki unlike naaa
I love you grandma
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RIP Grandma
Very testi aapka dis love u dadi ji
Nani you are very good shef.
very tasty
very very very very very …………… good outstanding super??????????
I like u grandma. ….. may God bless you dear grandma ??????
You are the most beloved granny in the whole wide world. We love you so very much.
سمك قشر بياض روعه ماستناما قلت السمك من غير دقيق .ربنا يكرمك يا ماستناما وحكيم عيون يفحص عينك الشمال ويعملك عدسه جديدة لعينك بدل العدسة العاتمه وربنا يرجعلك بصرك واوعي تقلقي لأنها عملية سهلة للغاية وبتتعمل بتخدير موضعي بالعين يا عسل.
So delicious fried fish recipe cooked with a lot of flavored indian spices such as ginger cinnamon cumin white pepper and nigella sativa seeds and other tempering seeds.Have a good appetite babies using elementary mode of presentation of food using some sheets of banana leaves as disposable plates.
Love u grani thanks
Very good
حلوه شغلها?????
Orey wast naa kodakallara eee Vedio ki unlike naaa
I love you grandma
Plz subscribe me???
Please mention items name's in telugu
RIP Grandma
Very testi aapka dis love u dadi ji
Nani you are very good shef.
very tasty
very very very very very …………… good outstanding super??????????
I like u grandma. ….. may God bless you dear grandma ??????
You are the most beloved granny in the whole wide world. We love you so very much.
سمك قشر بياض روعه ماستناما قلت السمك من غير دقيق .ربنا يكرمك يا ماستناما وحكيم عيون يفحص عينك الشمال ويعملك عدسه جديدة لعينك بدل العدسة العاتمه وربنا يرجعلك بصرك واوعي تقلقي لأنها عملية سهلة للغاية وبتتعمل بتخدير موضعي بالعين يا عسل.
So delicious fried fish recipe cooked with a lot of flavored indian spices such as ginger cinnamon cumin white pepper and nigella sativa seeds and other tempering seeds.Have a good appetite babies using elementary mode of presentation of food using some sheets of banana leaves as disposable plates.
She is 105 years old
Love u bhamma
You are super granny????