Jollibee Review in a Jeepney! → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y71XMcHjv_0
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About This Episode:
I am a foreigner trying Jollibee for the first (or maybe it’s the fifth) time. Today I’m in Vietnam, checking out Jollibee menu items that exist only here!
For all your beekeeping apparel needs: http://www.guardianbeeapparel.com/
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If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.
I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.
Song : Oasis
Song Provided by Faded Tracks : tinyurl.com/htv2nrm
Artist : AndyM
Song : Santa Monica
Song Provided by Faded Tracks : tinyurl.com/htv2nrm
Artist : Dripice & Pilton
Song : The Best Is Yet To Come
Song Provided by Faded Tracks : tinyurl.com/htv2nrm
Artist : Ennex
Song : Starlight
Song Provided by Faded Tracks : tinyurl.com/htv2nrm
Artist : Metio & Sakana
there is a chicken pie in phillippines but it is seasonal. i tasted it when i was a kid like 20+ years ago
Ube pie? Why they didn't offer that menu here in the Philippines? Ube is actually a local dessert here.
Ito na ang pinaka buwis buhay na jollibee review nakita ko online ??
Wear a bee suit give free foods to people on streets to show dominance.
Do the rooster thingy !!!!!!! LOL
"Sonny You Are Awesome", love watching your videos, with that awesome sauce!
Im always watching this video of sonny side.
Ilove this guy…can i selfie?
It only occurred to Sonny that hr is wearing an actual bee keeper's suit…lol.
Im a Filipino and loves Jollibee, but that awesome motorbike makes me stay till the end… LOL
Anyone can tell me what's the model of suzuki that is?
That's exactly a bee suit,for protection.
Not a jollibee mascot suit
Don’t make videos too good like that….damn!!
??? bee suit….??
I LOVE HOW SONY make disappointing stuff turn into hilarious thing ! Yaaaas !
This video is fun to watch! Hahaha love it. Thanks .
Jollibee starts at the philipines
Here in Philippines we dont have chicken pie, But, we do have a Tuna Pie ?
Almost 2 million. Go go go subscribe ppl. ?
Im from Philippines and im jealous of Vietnam's menu…
I hope they introduce 'Gravy' in Vietnam!!! Ha ha ha!
We have chicken pie in the Philippines… We call it 'Empanada' 🙂
This is hilarious eating on the back of a bike I love this show and yes it's a show I'm def addicted to watching all the videos like it's a whole series thanks for the great content and laughs !
Let's get this video viral!
Jollie Bee is becoming better then KFCgood commercial for Jollibee
Gotta say you are the reason I wanna go to Vietnam
Hi Sonny! I am a fan of yours and loves watching your videos. Today, I was able to watch your Carcar video of this too ?. I'm pretty starving now and even asked my husband to just buy at any branch… Hahaha…
Hahaha! Its not the real Jollibee suit. XD
Jollibee "bida ang saya" 🙂
Jollibee came from the PH. You should try Jollibee in PH 🙂
I completely lost it at V at 4:11 hahaha
3:25 I laughed out so hard! ?
Now I want to visit Vietnam! I absolutely love your videos. Cheers!
Why philippines we don't have calamari in jollibee