Jack and Geoff walk you through some community submitted FAILS in Halo: Reach. If you have a fail you’d like to see us do commentary on, send it in to info@achievementhunter.com and we’ll put it in the next weekly batch of fails. Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2wf5zPJ
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About Fails of the Weak:
The funniest and wackiest fails every week.
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» Achievement Hunter: http://bit.ly/AHYTChannel
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Fails of the Weak: Ep. #0 (The Inception) – Funny Halo: Reach Bloopers and Screw Ups!
Binge watching Reach Fails of the Weak and Horse in 2019 because I miss the golden age.
8 1/2 Years Later…
Reach is coming to PC, along with every other FPS Halo game…
Millions of new players…
Time for a Reboot
Rewatching this before reach comes to pc
Good memories
Petition to bring back FOTW for Halo Reach when it’s out again!
I can remember me and my friend watched these every week and had the best time ever just watching. Would love to experience that again:)
8 years dang remember watching this my first year of highschool
Sometimes I just need to watch it all again
I once had a glitch on legendary with a gold commander elite; he ran up to me in that narrow room on noble actual & kept throwing plasma grenades instead of firing, at some point he became enraged, charged me, and somehow got one stuck to his foot and when he kicked me it looked like a DBZ strike lol we both died
Suddenly decided to check out this video, 8 years and 1 day later…. (23.09.2018)
I want this show back so bad. This was so many good memories laughing with Geoff
hello i missed this so sad halo died
Returning to what brought me here in the first place
Uhmm jacks gamertag isnt JackP, whats up with that?
Who watching in 2018 oh the nostalgia ?
Like if anyone is watching in 2017-2018
7 years and I still remember the day I watched this when it came out.
Who’s watching in 2017?
Goodness this was seven freaking years ago…
Halo Reach, the good ol' times. Literally the best game ever made. I am pretty sure every gamer played this at least once.
7 years today, time fly by fast
Almost SEVEN years later….
It's been 7 long years. I'd like to say thank you from my 10 year old self to my 18 year old self
This was my first video that introduced me to achievement hunter, been watching them for 7 years. Hard to believe
Will they ever bring this back I miss it so much this series got me through some hard times through the endless amounts of laughter when I was younger and I have watched it ever since this first episode, GUYS seriously bring it back but bring it to 1 a week on a friday again but make it halo exclusive, no other games so you don't over saturate it like last time but don't just do halo reach do other halo games as well including when it gets released halo 6! But thank you so much guys for the wonderful memories! 🙂
Where it all began…
I miss this game when it was in its prime…
Holy shot 7 years ago
My first Rooster Teeth video ever❤❤❤
Watching this because GameFails was just killed. RIP GameFails. Fails of the Weak was amazing
I love this series soooooooo much.
Jacks voice sounds the same. Geoff sounds a bit high pitched.
I'm using this to remind myself of the good days and to escape my actual reality…how pathetic is that. Thanks for the memories guys.
the memories are all coming back
been along time since I've watched this, was originally how I found rooster teeth.
man how the times have changed
6 years ago…
This is the first video by Achievement Hunter/RT that I ever saw. Good times.
This is the first Rooster Teeth video I watched
Geoff sounds so young!
bring this back plzz
R.I.P Geoff and Jack ;_;
well they don't do it anymore.
I remember when this video came out it was a friday, five years went passed quick. good old days
Who else remembers watching this in the winter by a fire on Christmas? No? Just me? Anyways, I miss this show! I miss when it was ONLY halo and not the bullshit GTA 5 and CoD fails thrown in there. I miss the REACH fails so much <3
Hello fellow people from the past. I am from 2015.
I come in peace 😉
Wow I remember this episode from way back in the day. Where did 5 years go?!
Came back from the Five-years video.