When God fails, there's always humanity to thank for…
The one with the trapped-tail fox made me cringe. :-S
These videos makes me cry. But is a good cry, an emotional cry of joy. We have good people left on this planet, i hope they'll multiply to outweigh the bad ones.
That made my tail tingle, and I don't even have a tail. ?
I have saved a tree frog
I like wen people help animals 🙂
OMG! that little fox…give it to me please
It's because people litter that's why!!
1:30 did you see fox baby look? That's why I trust much more to animals than human beings.
the dog and the cat mead me cry
the poor foxes?
That Was So Sad I'm Lucky I Rescued My Puppy
what is the music playing on the background I was searching for it for along time and found through this video
i saved a dog and i kept him and took care of him
Lovely video. I have rescued 2 gorgeus seagulls:
the boar one looked like torture!!=(
My faith in humanity has disappeared long ago, though this was awesome! Good job!
How did this even happen to the animals…
When God fails, there's always humanity to thank for…
The one with the trapped-tail fox made me cringe. :-S
These videos makes me cry. But is a good cry, an emotional cry of joy. We have good people left on this planet, i hope they'll multiply to outweigh the bad ones.