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PLEASE DONATE TO OUR RESCUE FUND: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HWQCQ82SR48D2
In an effort to appease their advertisers Youtube is demonetising the youtube channels of some of your favourite creators.
This situation, is specially affecting animal rescue channels like ours.
Now that we can´t count on youtube, and more than ever, WE NEED YOUR HELP TO CONTINUE SAVING LIVES..
We can´t do this without you…
PLEASE SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/LetsAdopt
PLEASE DONATE TO OUR RESCUE FUND: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HWQCQ82SR48D2
Victor you do amazing job rescuing these wonderful and grateful dogs that others would not even tried to save
God bless keep up the great job!!!??
Only thing need changes is your face for your voice
You tube I won't watch you anymore if you take off the animal rescues
Please help me, I’ve tried and tried to get into the patreon site , month now on and off ! It says I have a page , is their another way, tried PayPal too ! It’s not a huge sum retired fixed income , disability, but I watch you and dr Matt’s vet shows ! It saddens me to think it’s come to this!
I know your so busy, my donation is not a lot, but I hope it will start an avalanche of $’s for you and vet ranch ? Find a way for me , maybe just send a check ? To you? Like I said it’s not much but we are on a tight budget, but sometimes I can add a bit more! So I’d rather donate each month than set a specific amount …God Bless you Mr Larkhill , when we are at the lowest He is at his Highest, God gave us dominion over animals, yet people ignore the sick and injured and throw away animals , they give us so much joy and ask for little off us, they just want to be loved ! Most would give their lives for their human family …..just little fur babies wanting a place to call home !
There should be competition for YouTube. It could have been Vimeo but their links were not stuff you'd like. Sometimes you'd share and it would say uploader doesn't want it shared. Of course people abandon them. We need a better platform.
Why don't you do both tame and graphic versions? The tame one can introduce people to your work and you can direct people to see the more graphic one with a warning if they want to know more. I really hope again your son is doing well.
well its good clean content . perhaps we should set up a sever that could always link to youtube . .theres many open sourse apps easy to set up.
Viktor you're a great guy.with a good heart. But you need to ditch the sunglasses, the glasses cloud your message. So talk /engage people so they feel you. Your glasses are like a wall separating you from your friends. . What good communicator wears sunglasses? No one !
Youtube and all who are against animal protection stink! Hope for Paws, your channel and this India rescue team I always watch whenever I have time and am curious about the updates of the animals. You do an incredible job. Politics, violence, Stars, beauty channels and terrorists are encouraged but animal protection is not. That stinks to the sky! You should protest and as many as possible, we all should write to YouTube and if very many would participate, I think it would bring something. YouTube helps many people who actually only represent themselves but Channels who really do something in this world, who are doing humanitarian work, they are not helping them anymore. This is just a shame! I introduced all my friends in the USA to Help for Paws and that india Channel. and I introduced many friends and family to your Channel. I am aware that there are many local shelters but pets like this, like in the animal rescue Channels are in more need and help. I hope so bad they change their stupid censorship in work like this.
I commented once before but victory don't let them rake you off or any other animals people. They have too I anuugh of now they took off the lion whisper and a bunch .pf them that I watch. They took off the natives off. And I really liked him. So people fight for this three taking every thing away from us. Terri jacobsen
This is so sad, so disheartening. I know that YouTube has screwed over quite a few YouTubers that have channels with positive, motivational and inspiring content. Why did YouTube stop monetizing them? It seems to me that they are punishing these channels for not being outrageous, obnoxious, disrespectful, sexist, racist and I could go on and on. The channels that aren't in danger and haven't been affected are often visited by impressionable children but it seems that is OK to YouTube! Why are they rewarding those channels with funds but not the positive channels? It just doesn't make sense. Are we now a society that only rewards bad behavior? What about the poor animals that rely on this money. What will happen to them? Something has to be done! Someone has to knock some sense into YouTube! Please! I don't know what else to say. I'm just heartbroken for Viktors rescue, Hope for paws and so many others that do such great work! Maybe pray?
They should boycot WAR shit on youtube, NOT animal saving people. :-((((
It's very very sad that YouTube is doing this….God bless you and your team..Plzzzz Im BEGGING U don't stop ur rescue ever….I will donate soon
Get on RoKu, or other media also. I am sending this video out to everyone to try and get you more help.
I should take over YouTube. I would save and keep animal rescue channels. #SaveTheAnimals!! ???????????????????????????????????????????
These channels show the human side of people and what they do for animals is awesome.We should all take something from them that animals are worthy of being taken care of and not abused. There is a place in hell for people who abuse animals or humans. Thank God for people like Viktor and all the others like him. They will be rewarded one day.
God will help you and find the way…
More people need to know about this stuff!
Do you have vets that donate services to your animals
who do these dogs have to help them.? these rescues do all they can but they need help. these dogs are returned from the brink of death to have happy lives. many want to help but they don't have the money. we can help if we watch these videos and adds. now they take it off! they can show porn, hate crimes, violence against police and innocent people but they can't let these rescues do videos? if this is too graphic fast forward. these animals need help.