If you’re scared of drowning, don’t watch this! A look back at some of the scariest, most water-filled ‘Fear Factor’ moments ever.
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What will you do with the money if your dead?
My fear is that
Omg if i went ther i would cry so much
I want to do that
They are doing ellegal things
Not safe at all they are drowning
Mtv letting those people suffer
Oh my gosh why is
Just no
If they drown how would they get the money?
ive rathrer not to do that for a money
This shows what people do for money and that money is life but it is not money is a substance in life but when you die it is nothing
Is that’s the cunt from fast and furious
This shit shoud be illegal
This show should be banned it’s not safe ppl can risk there life for fricken money whatattata but I still love this show
4:17 they can die in that position
Oh may god
He plays in the fast and furious 6 and 7
when they stated drinking the water i lost it
For some reason I felt as if couldn’t breathe either ??
This show should be called kill yourself and if you don’t die you get the money
Fvck i want to ban this show
I can't even close my eyes in the bathroom when I wash my face. I feel like someone's gonna watch me
Please Bring back Room Raiders ?
Anxiety central
If they are about to drown do they let them out?
Flinch has left the chat
I was so scared
Ludacris is gonna go to jail
Are they trying to kill these people
I think this is……. STUPID LIKE WTF
Did anyone else see beast mode cowboy
Muncul aja terus di beranda gw -,-
1:43 is that John Ross?