At least these guys rescue the animals coughcough unlike peta
We have been on board as donors for several years (it is Feb 2019 as I write)..bless all who do this wonderful work. We are proud to support it!!
We adopted the dog at .40 seconds in the video. They thought he was a puppy he was so malnourished. When we adopted him, he weighed under 6 pounds and the vet estimated his age to be 2 years old. He is now a healthy 9 pound Yorkie poodle and our family pet. It took him almost a year to trust us. He clearly had been beaten and traumatized. He didn't understand human touch. He is my shadow, always by my side. We love our sweet Rocky. He is now a healthy, loving 8 year old dog. Please don't ever buy from puppy mills. Adopt!
Oh my God! That is really close to me. I am definitely volunteering when I'm older.
gedeeld voor de hondjes met hoop op adoptie
gedeeld op facebook
Do you have female corgi puppies? I can take one or two!!!
I am volunteering when I am older
We're not all humans , humans are those things who think they're better and higher than animals , but peoples like you who save animals and understand that they're not hairy toys are not humans they're simply animals as well , because we've all learned from animals , we all need them , the smallest from the biggest , we need animals like we need to eat or drink , we've all started by this ? and comes to this ? but you know , some of us are not humans , some of us still animals , some of us still , even if it was long ago , remember that once ago we were sleeping in trees and walking without clothes , eating with hands and be hairy , so basicly I'm an animals I'm not a humans !!!
God bless all of you! Thank you!
If we think correctly, we can come up with even better idea's instead of just leaving it up to the pet police. If you really cared, you would put your energies towards helping them in their endeavors. Like maybe once or twice a month, impersonate a pet buyer and investigate yourself, then report it to the authorities, if nothing gets done about it tell the press.
I wish I cooed help ;[
Judy Feng I also heard that they say the meat of cats and dogs taste the best if they die a cruel death! I know some people are stopping this but, in a whole murdering animals in horrible ways and having them watch siblings die in front of them is sick!
All these hate mongers is a little troubling, It seems we as a country have become good at punishment and hate, As I have learned this person had done a wonderful job of raising and caring for her dogs for many years until health prevented them form being able to care for the animals. If you will not the building and runs are spotless and clean The dogs while may need groomed look to be healthy. No mention of illness from the state inspector, This is a wind fall profit deal for the ASPCA, they will make handsome sums of money from the sale of these pups, of those they do not kill. had the owner been in good health would have lived out their days in the home they have always had. The problem is until recently a breeder that fell on hard time had no one to call for help, The MPBA has established a program called the Kennel Assistance Program, where a breeder may call for help. If a breeder asks for help from anyone else they will come and steal their property as this video clear demonstrates, they get call bad names and often are fined because they are concerned for their animals. If you want to help people and animals in need give to the "Kennel Assistance Program" at the Or go to
These people don't have to save these dogs but they do it beacyse they care about an animals life
I love you guys! Thank you for all you do!!! I can't express my feelings in writing…I am so thankful for the many little furry lives you save! 🙂
2 people :O they are growing!
Thank you ASPCA for all that you do
Hate animal cruelty? Then here's your chance to make your voices heard. If this petition reaches 100,000 signatures, the Obama administration will respond. Please support this petition for every animal who has lost their life through the inhumanity and cruelty of gas chambers. Its quick & easy – it takes less than 1 minute. You enter your name, email, and zip & they email you the petition link to click sign – that easy! Go to / oVd9 (without the spaces). Please share the link on Facebook
These cruel people need to be exposed to society, and shown what they are doing to these Angels
Thank you ASPCA, this video made me cry, I feel bad
It's so said to think they have nobody to love and care for them:(
Thank you for rescueing this poor dogs who were suffering physical and emotionally. For a Pekingese to be along with no lap to sit on and cuddles must be so hard for a breed that was bred to bring people companionship.
Missouri Legislature Poised To Repeal Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Referendum. Tea party groups stridently opposed the referendum, arguing it was “just another example of big government meddling in people’s lives.” Republicans in the state legislature are poised to repeal the regulations Missouri’s voters enacted: Saying the new requirements would put the dog breeding industry out of business, the state Senate voted 20-14 on Thursday for a wholesale rewrite.
Thank u guys…..never stop
@xItsMEEEEE i care about all dogs but corgis are especially close to me because i have 3 puppy mill corgis that i rescued. plus i have 4 resuced guinea pigs to. i do care about animals. I rescued every animal that i have and I am rehabilitating an abused pony as well. so, i do care but to see a corgi there makes my blood boil.
@123notoneme You should be worried and sad to see any animal in a situation like this, yes, Corgi's are adorable but come on, what about the other animals?
This kind of treatment towards any animal just makes me crazy. Only a true psychopath would do this kind of thing.
Thank you! Keep up the good work!
vote yes for prob B on nov 2nd!!!
at 1:05 you guys found a corgi? is she okay??? I'm a serious corgi person and if I ever see one in a situation like that i get worried,
Every time when I watch this videos, I cry…I volunteered the animal shelter…
i wish i worked for you but im to young to get a job, but i'll try my best to get into the aspca as a vet 🙂
My heart cries everytime i see those images of the poor soles behind barrs.
Good job to rescue them and i hope they all get a better life with love…
At least these guys rescue the animals cough cough unlike peta
We have been on board as donors for several years (it is Feb 2019 as I write)..bless all who do this wonderful work. We are proud to support it!!
We adopted the dog at .40 seconds in the video. They thought he was a puppy he was so malnourished. When we adopted him, he weighed under 6 pounds and the vet estimated his age to be 2 years old. He is now a healthy 9 pound Yorkie poodle and our family pet. It took him almost a year to trust us. He clearly had been beaten and traumatized. He didn't understand human touch. He is my shadow, always by my side. We love our sweet Rocky. He is now a healthy, loving 8 year old dog. Please don't ever buy from puppy mills. Adopt!
Oh my God! That is really close to me. I am definitely volunteering when I'm older.
gedeeld voor de hondjes met hoop op adoptie
gedeeld op facebook
Do you have female corgi puppies? I can take one or two!!!
I am volunteering when I am older
We're not all humans , humans are those things who think they're better and higher than animals , but peoples like you who save animals and understand that they're not hairy toys are not humans they're simply animals as well , because we've all learned from animals , we all need them , the smallest from the biggest , we need animals like we need to eat or drink , we've all started by this ? and comes to this ? but you know , some of us are not humans , some of us still animals , some of us still , even if it was long ago , remember that once ago we were sleeping in trees and walking without clothes , eating with hands and be hairy , so basicly I'm an animals I'm not a humans !!!
God bless all of you! Thank you!
If we think correctly, we can come up with even better idea's instead of just leaving it up to the pet police.
If you really cared, you would put your energies towards helping them in their endeavors. Like maybe once or twice a month, impersonate a pet buyer and investigate yourself, then report it to the authorities, if nothing gets done about it tell the press.
I wish I cooed help ;[
Judy Feng I also heard that they say the meat of cats and dogs taste the best if they die a cruel death! I know some people are stopping this but, in a whole murdering animals in horrible ways and having them watch siblings die in front of them is sick!
All these hate mongers is a little troubling, It seems we as a country have become good at punishment and hate, As I have learned this person had done a wonderful job of raising and caring for her dogs for many years until health prevented them form being able to care for the animals. If you will not the building and runs are spotless and clean The dogs while may need groomed look to be healthy. No mention of illness from the state inspector, This is a wind fall profit deal for the ASPCA, they will make handsome sums of money from the sale of these pups, of those they do not kill. had the owner been in good health would have lived out their days in the home they have always had. The problem is until recently a breeder that fell on hard time had no one to call for help, The MPBA has established a program called the Kennel Assistance Program, where a breeder may call for help. If a breeder asks for help from anyone else they will come and steal their property as this video clear demonstrates, they get call bad names and often are fined because they are concerned for their animals. If you want to help people and animals in need give to the "Kennel Assistance Program" at the Or go to
These people don't have to save these dogs but they do it beacyse they care about an animals life
I love you guys! Thank you for all you do!!! I can't express my feelings in writing…I am so thankful for the many little furry lives you save! 🙂
2 people :O they are growing!
Thank you ASPCA for all that you do
Hate animal cruelty? Then here's your chance to make your voices heard. If this petition reaches 100,000 signatures, the Obama administration will respond. Please support this petition for every animal who has lost their life through the inhumanity and cruelty of gas chambers. Its quick & easy – it takes less than 1 minute. You enter your name, email, and zip & they email you the petition link to click sign – that easy! Go to / oVd9 (without the spaces). Please share the link on Facebook
These cruel people need to be exposed to society, and shown what they are doing to these Angels
Thank you ASPCA, this video made me cry, I feel bad
It's so said to think they have nobody to love and care for them:(
Thank you for rescueing this poor dogs who were suffering physical and emotionally. For a Pekingese to be along with no lap to sit on and cuddles must be so hard for a breed that was bred to bring people companionship.
Missouri Legislature Poised To Repeal Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Referendum. Tea party groups stridently opposed the referendum, arguing it was “just another example of big government meddling in people’s lives.” Republicans in the state legislature are poised to repeal the regulations Missouri’s voters enacted: Saying the new requirements would put the dog breeding industry out of business, the state Senate voted 20-14 on Thursday for a wholesale rewrite.
Thank u guys…..never stop
@xItsMEEEEE i care about all dogs but corgis are especially close to me because i have 3 puppy mill corgis that i rescued. plus i have 4 resuced guinea pigs to. i do care about animals. I rescued every animal that i have and I am rehabilitating an abused pony as well. so, i do care but to see a corgi there makes my blood boil.
@123notoneme You should be worried and sad to see any animal in a situation like this, yes, Corgi's are adorable but come on, what about the other animals?
This kind of treatment towards any animal just makes me crazy. Only a true psychopath would do this kind of thing.
Thank you! Keep up the good work!
vote yes for prob B on nov 2nd!!!
at 1:05 you guys found a corgi? is she okay??? I'm a serious corgi person and if I ever see one in a situation like that i get worried,
Every time when I watch this videos, I cry…I volunteered the animal shelter…
i wish i worked for you but im to young to get a job, but i'll try my best to get into the aspca as a vet 🙂
My heart cries everytime i see those images of the poor soles behind barrs.
Good job to rescue them and i hope they all get a better life with love…
this is truly unfortunate