Beth’s final wish to repost her experience in Zante and her attempts to rescue animals . Love Mum & Dad. x
Beth’s final wish to repost her experience in Zante and her attempts to rescue animals . Love Mum & Dad. x
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Our deepest condolences to Beth's mum and dad. Bethany clearly loved all animals. This was clear in her 'work'. We shall miss seeing her at the practice. RIP Bethany.
We will fight for Bethany's convictions with all our heart. She saved so many lives. Watching this video again gave me a new reason to be.. Between my tears I saw Beth's light and now I remember what really matters. It's not about living our lives, or having a good job or being happy, but about saving all the animals who are suffering from human cruelty. This is what kept her going and even at her lowest she was taking care of her animals and was pushing herself beyond what anyone could imagine. She was a beautiful exemple of kindness and brougth back a bit of justice in this unfair and cruel world destroyed by humanity.
I miss you so much Bethany, I just want you back, please come back… Life without you is so hard, I am so lost we will always love you forever and untill we leave this world.. You never deserved all this, your soul was so pure, so inspiring for us all. You were a light in the dark, you made us believe in something better…. You gave me back my faith that they are still lives to fight for in this world.. I promise to do everything I can to bring you back. I need you and I will bring you back and you will always be eternal. I've never felt such a huge pain in my whole life, it is so hard to keep going without you but we have to continue to do what you were doing for this world. Your soul was the most beautifull thing this world could have ever hoped for <3 🙁 and we will fight for your conviction and for you, Bethany.
to Beth's mum and dad: I am so very sorry for your loss! Just know she was loved by many. a truly beautiful soul!
🙁 RIP Beth… the animals lost a true friend and ally. We all did.
im so sorry for ur loss beth wa a amazing person she was always their if i needed a talk or just to chat about the day the hospital she was in should be ashame she was such an amazing person and her legacy will live on through her youtube and all the people and animals she touched im so sorry for your loss your daughter was a amazing person x