He crying his little eyes out because he can’t find his mom and feels dangerous
Three puppies playing together !
He crying his little eyes out because he can’t find his mom and feels dangerous
Three puppies playing together !
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No one hit puppy. Their mother goes out
Definitely they are abused by the owner because the way they acting is not normal they are scared
Ugly puppies stupid tiny thing i hope that stupid ugly thing die!!
Poor puppy!! Hopefully he finds his mom!!!
This is animal abuse the puppies are scared and hurt the owner should've help them it's his fault and the owner is selfish and rude he's also dumb too what a heartless monster the owner is not helpful either I will dislike and report this video 1 like=1 kick and 1 punch in the owners face
That little puppy has been hurt repeatedly to act like that at such a young age. Are you going to help or just film? They need blankets food and tender holding. For you to just stand there shows what kind of person you really are. Thumbs down for you!
Oh mama. I missed you
0:02 when your gf said she wants to have sex
I don’t think they were abused
Babies~!!! Here Babies!
I have a little puppy and he lov3s me
I want to kiss the crying puppy
Watching that puppy cried made me want to smack it so hard on its head..
That puppy is so damn cute. I hope they’re being loved and well cared for. ?????
0:03 Rip headphone users
Whoever u are ur trying to scare them by shoving the camera in their face asshole
stop filming and help them..brainless.
Go on hit or kick the Cock in his Balls. Then whip/beat the Dick. Teach the Cock how to behave properly. Club the bastard, and then send the "thing" to the dog meat processing factories in China or Vietnam.
What makes you cry, baby?
? Arme Puppies ❗
Keine Hundemama, kein Körbchen. Wasser und Futter ist auch nicht zu sehen, auch kein Spielzeug. Nur nackter, kalter, glatter Boden.
Das zu sehen macht mich total traurig ? ❕
What the f4ck u doin! Ckckck just because making video you did that ckckck
wow this guy is not even helping to find their mom
My dog was like that and he never got hit so u guys can stop blaming this person for abuse
It’s so cute where your mama
So cute i think they are hungry
Sometimes you have to beat them to stop that behavior
Why would he be acting like that if he’s not being abused? Puppies shouldn’t be growling to defend themselves and backing away unless they’ve been hurt
I bet you cried your little eyes out too when you were a baby and your mother left you, you sick fuck!
somebody's soothie poor puppies!!
poor babies can't find their mama. oh how precious!
Is it a pug puppy
Im crying ??
Poor puppy
Man why'd you do that the puppy was just too cute so why do you scare him