How To Cook Sorrel Leaves With Prawns Recipe By 106 Mastanamma Country Foods — May 25, 2019 42 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist Delicious Prawns and sorrel leaf recipe source prawns prawns agri style prawns alive prawns and egg curry prawns and potato curry prawns biryani prawns biryani recipe prawns chilli prawns curry prawns deep fry prawns dry prawns dry fry prawns dry roast prawns eating prawns export prawns fried rice prawns fry prawns head prawns koliwada recipe prawns live prawns masala prawns onion fry prawns recipe prawns rice recipes prawns soup prawns tawa fry prawns village Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Дорогая бабушка! Дай Бог тебе долгих лет жизни! Очень светлый человек!!! From Russia,with LOVE!!!!! NAMASTE GRANNY!!!!!!
Instead of enjoying her food all the time, will you please make some time to take her to the doctor and get her eyes checked for cataract???
You are saying country food but using hybrid fish, crab, chicken etc., plz show Indian country varieties.
WOW Grandma You Are The Awsome Master Chefs. Gods Blesss You & Your Family. Loves From The Incredible INDIA. ???????????????
Awesome as always??plz translate what grannmaa says..we all want to hear every single word from her,as we all LOVE??? grannmaa..
Please!!!!!please Your grandma need a Sergry for her right eye as soon as possible!! She is infected Glaucoma in her eye .. please help her
Дорогая бабушка! Дай Бог тебе долгих лет жизни! Очень светлый человек!!! From Russia,with LOVE!!!!! NAMASTE GRANNY!!!!!!
I love Mastanamma garu
Instead of enjoying her food all the time, will you please make some time to take her to the doctor and get her eyes checked for cataract???
Grandma you are awesome
Love you grandmaa
Dried prawns?
Granny you are super love you
You are saying country food but using hybrid fish, crab, chicken etc., plz show Indian country varieties.
You have a very beautiful smile granny luv u 🙂
WOW Grandma You Are The Awsome Master Chefs. Gods Blesss You & Your Family. Loves From The Incredible INDIA. ???????????????
She is so sweet an I wish I could meet her. I luv watching her cook.
Awesome as always??plz translate what grannmaa says..we all want to hear every single word from her,as we all LOVE??? grannmaa..
wow amma …….super 🙂
God meku enka ayussh evvalani prayer chestanu love you Grandma ?
Super women
Dry prawns?
Super. Grand ma.
Yummy Recipe
These videos are from before she got her new cooking pots this is old…
What's sorrel?
Nhìn ngon thế cơ
Your grandma need a Sergry for her right eye as soon as possible!!
She is infected Glaucoma in her eye .. please help her
Love you Mastannama
Yummy prawns
very good
Yummy ?
I think it would better taste with roti..
Waaaw bravo
is this dry prawns
Luv ya granny
That good so good GrandMa love your videos and you have a beautiful granddaughter
She is very good cook ?? lot of like
Superrr grannyyyy