5 Crazy Fruits of Asia → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLY9Si6lz6Y
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About This Episode:
Learn more about ONETRIP Tours → https://www.christinas.vn/onetrip/
Restaurant Name – Gà nướng lu Việt Hương
Address – 449A3, Lê Quang Định St., Ward 5, Binh Thanh District
Price – 130.000/chicken
Operating Hours 03:00PM – 11:30PM
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If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.
I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.
I just discover your channel and cannot stop watching your videos!!!
Best combination from 2 guy thay i very like… I hope you can make video like this.. I really love to see you two brahh
I just found you and have been watching from oldest to most recent. It’s fucking crazy seeing your progression and how big you’ve gotten on YouTube. Your lifestyle is truly amazing to view and I’m jealous. Keep up the great content! ?
are you ever going back to Vietnam?
cmon soaking those worms in chilli hot sauce while they are still alive, too much how much they suffer for the sake of our taste buds!!!! something is so wrong about this planet, something wrong with humans, something should start eating humans to make it even
Hey Sonny, your videos are awesome, my team can help you get an app where viewers can get all information on your trips and build a solution to monetize it as well.
Thumps Up for your good work!!
i would make a chicken sanga with that baggett
116 videos in 22 days. Watching mostly from the old ones in order of upload, but sometimes randomly judging from the thumbnails. The bad news is that I discovered this channel too late and it's hard to keep up. The good news is that I have 131 more videos to watch and enjoy.
A crossover!
?? you're sooo funny
I like how she "ya" at everything ???
This co-host is real funn..
no singapore vlogs?
This is the Best Ever Food Review Show EVER!
I watch about 12 of these every day! Especially when I’m hungry and about to eat and am eating lol. I just love Sonny! Now I’ve seen that guy (their rivalry is so funny) in a few videos including the seafood boat, but is he actually a food reviewer?! What’s his name! ? (Don’t worry Sonny, you’ll always be my #1!)
Hey bro is that set up with another food review that shit was funny
I dont like that girl. She like: yeah yeah yup yet and dont say anything
You look a little like Logan Paul
8:37 ~ 8:43 just look at her facial expressions she really be getting into the acting ???
That beer montage ??
1:10 the way she admire sonny and his two bandannas ?
I like this lady especially when she said she can drink alot?? wink wink ???????
Beat the shit out of him sunny!
Sonny how do you stay so fit after eating so much food all the time?
That's funny
4:43 Marvel easter egg
Hanoi is not big enough for both of us