I challenge anyone watching this video to try not to laugh when you see the dog reaction to dog cake. Because the dog is in complete shock as it watches the owner cutting a dog cake. This is the funniest and best video ever. It is funny and cute!
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Hope you like our compilation: ??????
Dog Reaction to Dog Cake – Part 4: https://youtu.be/I0f6yG2osU4
Dog Reaction to Dog Cake – Part 3: https://youtu.be/K_QfB2AiAC0
Dog Reaction to Dog Cake – Part 1: https://youtu.be/6XBJJnRbzPI
Dog Reaction to Dog Toy : https://youtu.be/40F_6K-g_ZQ
Cat Reaction to Cat Toy : https://youtu.be/UzClSYKfb7c
That's kinda……wtf
1:13 bruh have mercy….
IS NOT Nice for the dogs
Фууу…что это за …???Собаки умнее и добрее своих тупых хозяев-это вовсе не смешно.
2:25 dog reaction lol
1:41 is it quincy
The sound effects are shitty can’t watch this shit.
2:24 tho haha
Really superb funny
If it’s chocolate feed it
jk it will vomit and probably dieOd my god
Like this if you thing this is funny?
Now that's not funny @ all..
Funny and cute
Dog: oh poor puppy
Human: Cuts the head of the dog cake
Dog: ahhhhhhhhhhh! Murderer, Murderer! , Save me from this crazy lady beforen it is too late
These videos are not funny… some might think it’s their babies ???
So funny??
Dog lovers hit a like 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
He is china
Its not funny!!!???
2:03 ?
I just don’t understand why people become so serious with these videos.. it’s just for fun right? Dogs aren’t that stupid, no way they can’t tell the difference between a cake and a real puppy. Even my one year old poodle knows the difference. These dogs are just trained to react that way when their owners instruct them to, simply for fun. Their owners would love their puppy for sure, I don’t think anyone would do anything that would heart their baby.
And, the silliest thing I’ve seen is ‘do this back to Asians with their baby’ 🙂 what a racist
1:52, Damn Cute Dog……???
they eating her and then they gonna eat me OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOD
fake laugh track killed it
Where are the sources?
My dog would of ate it
1:10 ??????????????
The husky in the second clip was like "NOPE GET ME THE HECC OUTTA HERE"
Stupid laugh soundtrack
This is absolutely disgusting
funny for human but cruel for dogs
I hate this laugh!