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Hey guys, please create a playlist for the FOTW! It would be so much easier to watch 'em all 🙂
I like how SirActionSlacks reacted to that Void's clip. LMAO! ???
1:26 I just realized Slacks's card is based off of one of his stories fucking lol
void plz xD
How can I send my clip to DotaCinema?
White ursa… cool
Skywrath most expensive set
People need to turn off quick cast tbh
pretty sure that the tinker that keep dying to Lotus + Blademail is a script user
8:45 he has quickcast prolly
slacks is a sad motherfucker
guys name is the art of feeding rofl
WTF? I thought i accidentaly opened MTGGoldfish spoilers.
7:43 I couldn't find the replay but this guy bought Treads twice so I guess you were right haha. Match ID 4030087385
Is this a reupload
He Tak TpygHo 4uTaTb Takue Huku, gaBHo nopa Hay4uTbc9!
where's the loregasm? 🙁
Can somebody explain how the fuck NP players manage to TP right next to themselves
Like for void free !!!
3:20 "сТраХ_В_МраКа Fuck this Name!" LOL
This is the reason void didnt win arcana
oh shit you still make these
Yess indeed you guys got me … no faceless void clip. ;33
Like how does this shit not happen when im in game 10:31 ? fucking bullshit
"It doesnt sound that great, but what it does is force your opponent to concede"
GOSU.AI advert so fucking cringe
sir actionslacks and sir sunsfans
coomon lets party giime ur id number 🙂 we make our own fail of the week 😀
Nature's Prophet probably tried to accomplish his Dota Plus quest, "Teleport leading to kills". Check, he has an announcement of that.
cTpax… Fuck this name.. LMFAO
Seriously who the fuck uses quick cast?! Most the time you actually have to aim a spell according to the enemy's movement etc…… If it really takes you that long to to do that one extra button press, then you probably shouldnt play dota at all.
Wow…that was..one of the weakest episodes in the entire show. Not a single clip stood out. I guess the last bonus clip was enjoyable, but that's about it
TP's are hard to adapt to use on quickcast. There is alt+click instead of double-click to TP back to base. And trying to double-click will chose nearest minion/tower/position of cursor.
That void clip at the end