What’s more entertaining than watching a panda playing on a slide? Watching 4 pandas playing on a slide! 🙂 (A video from the Chengdu Panda Base).
Chengdu in China has been the hometown of the giant panda — one of the world’s most endangered species – for more than 8 million years, and the Chengdu Panda Base (a not-for-profit organisation) is a world-renowned breeding and research center for the giant panda. Celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2012, the Panda Base now has the largest controlled breeding population in the world — 108 giant pandas.
Panda Awareness Week highlights the work of the Chengdu Panda Base in fostering the continued growth of the giant panda population, as well as rescuing and rehabilitating pandas so they can return to the wild.
To celebrate Panda Awareness Week, 108 pandas brought panda-monium to the streets of London on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of July.
Follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/ChengduPAW for photos and videos from Panda Awareness Week, and the Chengdu Panda Base.
For more information on the Chengdu Panda Base visit: http://www.panda.org.cn/english/.
Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province in southwest China and maintains a unique and uncompromising commitment to panda conservation. For more information on Chengdu and the Sichuan Province visit: http://www.gochengdu.cn/.
nice concrete landing for them….im sure they like that…wow
So stinking adorable
Sema cute panda kutty
Playing with young nanny ?
Im Freaking Out Over Pandas And My Parents Think Im Possesed??❤??
Teacher: No climbing up the slide!
Me: But the pandas did it ;c
Teacher: …
Fluffy cotton balls ???
Nice video
LOL the panda did a backflip??????
I love panda????
How they got the job seriously !?
I wonder how that swing broke, LOL
this is sooooo cute!!!??
Greetings from my channel
Jülide Blabla
1:21 LOL
So cute !!!
I felt so bad when the panda fell
I love how they act more fun and with energy
They so cute …………. And just akids
Lucu banget, haha
seems it would hurt if there was splinter. Least make it out of metal?
The pandas are playing becus the gril has panpoo and pandas fallow the panpooo
1:20 ???
They should move the slide to the left so they don’t bash there head on that pavement
this video is too cute
She funn
N’´lmmb ça vgc cgnhjkllmmjjnbknMDqffb’mmsatip
Awwwww a baby he is so cutttteee
very much
You 3 thousand who thumbed this down, need a punch in the mouth.
Some things are good in life. A Panda doing a backflip off a slide is one of them.
So funny
Panda lucu banget