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Thanks to all our viewers and to those who submitted videos, whether we were able to use your video or not. We will probably release a video in the next month which will be a compilation of videos that didn't make the cut as we have had some requests to do that.
For those who wish to submit a video it can be done here: https://dashcamownersaus.wetransfer.com/
Just a observation : why does almoust everybody making a connection between a bad traffic situation and sex? "*Fuck*" where im from we are thinking on "*fuck`ing*" as a positive thing not as a negative thing. if somthing happening in the traffic we youse a lot off strong word`s but not sexual related . The people i have spoken to from Australia are having a "colorfull" wokabular but not reapeating "*fuck*" as a responce in a bad situation.
Sorry fore typo`s
5:36 maybe if I drive over it SLOWLY…
NIce to see solid white lines don't mean shit to drivers in Oz either….Fcuk
Cunt and Fuckwit…most popular Aussie words…LMAO
You're either a skilled driver or you're not. And that's something nobody can teach you. It involves awareness of your surroundings, driving skills, ability to predict what other drivers may do and other factors. You don't learn that at school. I haven't had an accident my whole life. So many dick heads driving on our roads.
At 3:20 Haha A. Late cabioyah, Oohh
Take a shot every time someone says "you fuckin idiot!"
It should be a law in Australia that all dash cam owners have to have the mic’s on at all times, why because Australians have the best insults and expressions in the world ???
Lmao @ the guy on 5:03
First clip…. bwahaha?
12:04 you went past my house
I know where all of these places are. And it’s great.
Australians appear to be arrogant short tempered and foul mouthed people
What the fuck you fuck'n fuck!
Fkn Stormtroopers – dicks that drive German cars.
There sure is a LOT of fucking going on down under. From the sounds of it from Heaven to hell and everything in between! Good job Guys and Gals!! FUCK THEM ALL, THE LONG THE SHORT AND THE TALL!
The first video was fucking perfect
That's one thing Australia has is alot of inconsiderate bastards as drivers and pedestrians as the saying goes fucken idiots
I like aussies. They swear just like us brits.
I am Swede living in Australia and I tell you, the aussies are the most disrespectful and bad drivers in traffic on the planet.
What the hell is going on in Australia? Why are so many people running red lights and driving into oncoming traffic?!
I want to hit all these stupid brainless cunts so hard.
And they are the people allowed to vote for our politicians.
"Australia: By arseholes, For arseholes"
Why do Australians put an antenna on the front of their trucks? It's kind of annoying to have that right in the middle of the view.
4:30 EYYYY thats craigieburn central i live in craigie and the coppers a shit lmaoo
Does anyone else think that introducing autonomous cars is going to interfere with natural selection and dumb down our civilization.. on the other hand it hopefully will stop innocent victims from being harmed
Which songs at 0:34? Is it evanescence? ?
In all these footage, which camera do you think had the best footage? I'm thinking of getting one but the ones I get haven't lived up to my standards.
Australia looks pretty cool…I love how clean everything is…it's good for my OCD
3:04.Lucky driver.Your female passenger is the voice of sanity..unlike the screaming banshees i heard.
1:00.Motorcyclist did this too me.He wasn't as lucky.Oh well.
They should write this on the front, the side, and the back of their car, "I was here first"!
11:54 "I'm very slowly out of control, and I think I'll just be going… this way."
9:30 Christ when even the truckies drive like that, I really don't miss driving in Australia.