So hello everyone!! We have gained quite a lot of subscribers in a very short time. If you didn’t already know I have 2 children and 2 huskies! My second child who appears in these videos was born one year ago now! When he can we didn’t ever anticipate millie would take to my children this way! Millie is now 7 years old. Up to the age of 3/4 years old she was just as over exited as your average husky. Till she had puppies. Then wow!! She completely changed into the most chilled, caring, sweet, kindest husky on the planet. Not to mention needy!! Lol. But the way she taken to my children is exactly how she taken to her puppies. I know for some it’s not what people like or agree with and I understand. Just please don’t watch these kind of videos if it’s not for you lol! Also I know a couple of these clips been reused but I DONT CARE. My family is contestant growing and making new memories so when I put all these clips together to rewatch them even now it melts me. Makes me so happy. And the amount of comments saying how we help people smile through very dark places makes us so happy to know we are bringing positive vibes to people in this world!! Hope you all enjoy and have a lovely blessed new year! Love to everyone!!!!