*Special thanks to these authors for the provided material. Support them with Likes and Subs!!!*
Niall Sheehan – https://youtu.be/JRK_J6xNrk0
metz maze – https://youtu.be/3IiirVdZoA4
See PD – https://youtu.be/ppWf5oxT-VI
Associated Press – https://youtu.be/rY-Rrm8f02E
miah022 – https://youtu.be/d5WfaDYMjnE
Eric Olsson – https://youtu.be/yKVhrL-B96c
HVAC Life with Alex – https://youtu.be/NlrbtqOYEhE
Dear viewers, if you own the copyright to any video posted on the channel, and you are against placing your videos on the list, and if you want to see your video in the compilation please write us:
link to the affiliate program – http://yt.xdigital.ru/Service/R/2678
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This work is protected under US Copyright Law [Fair Use Clause].
Clips featured in the following compilation are intended for educational
and journalistic purposes. The commentary on each clip solidifies
and clearly portrays my intent of teaching my
viewers to be better drivers as well as express my
take on what happens in the clip.
Special thanks to these authors for the provided material. Support them with Likes and Subs!!!
Niall Sheehan – https://youtu.be/JRK_J6xNrk0
metz maze – https://youtu.be/3IiirVdZoA4
See PD – https://youtu.be/ppWf5oxT-VI
Associated Press – https://youtu.be/rY-Rrm8f02E
miah022 – https://youtu.be/d5WfaDYMjnE
Eric Olsson – https://youtu.be/yKVhrL-B96c
HVAC Life with Alex – https://youtu.be/NlrbtqOYEhE
people attacked ???? are you for real ,,,, ur a fool
Stupid title . Tornadoes do not attack.
lol @ title…. "… Attacked by Tornado…"
8:23 Wow! Scary but Beautiful
LMFAO at all the climate change idiots, this is called weather people.
My Tornado a gud boi he ain't dun nuthin 2 no body, he wudz just on his whey 2 da church 4 bible study and deez cars gone done tookded dis tornados life 4 no reezin. My Tornado jus graduated frum cumewnity collage wita degree in finance he fina be da next Bill Gates and deez pig cars gone done took dis tornados life
The people in the first video were lucky. Not only are you in a car in a tornado, but you park next to a building with 2 big propane tanks right next to you. Either get thrown by the tornado, or unknowingly get blown to kingdom come by the bombs you were parked next to.
I read it
Tornados being attacked by people in cars
Drive tf away
I love the title! Attacking tornados! This is how i felt about tornados as a child-that they were out to get me and that was why we had to "hide" from them. ?
I still think they are hunting me. I moved to Florida, and a week later one missed me by half a mile ?
Dude, at least have the decency to tell us what the awesome music you're playing in your clip is.
7:43 is insane. An up close, stationary, well lit, big tornado. It's so mindblowingly beautiful. Drivers were stupid for passing it rather than pulling over though. I would not approach any tornado, no matter how perfect it was, from that far away. Also, I'd probably pull over to the side of the road to take a bunch of pictures and stay for as long as I'm comfortable with. Also, video footage. It would be a surreal dream to see such a spectacular, non destructive tornado with no rain and at just the right angle and I would never pass that up in a million years, especially since it would be safer than getting even closer.
i guess when your about to die you position the camera so it can barely see whats going on.
7:42 that thing is a beast
All those dumb ass people parked in the middle of the road pulled to the side and let other people through that's how accidents get caused
That bus driver is a damn idiot!!
@5:45 the guy in the black car was like "nope" ???
1.20 Polska ?? jakie emocje
the last one is an Argentinian guy talking?